Episode 23

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"Josh is demanding for me to tell him what's going on." Joe chuckled as he did his tie up that Friday night. They had booked a table at a Italian restaurant for them, Josh, Willa and Demi's parents. They were their closest family and they knew they'd get the word out for them. Everyone now knew that something was going on and they knew they might have guessed it would be a pregnancy announcement but they weren't revealing anything no matter how much they asked.

"He can demand but he's not getting anything until my parents are there at seven." Demi demanded.

"Of course, nobody is knowing about our little ones until everyone is there." Joe demanded wrapping his arms around her from the back and she smiled as she felt him kiss her neck gently before leaning his head on her shoulder.

"This is your fault you know. I wouldn't be having twins if it weren't for you." Demi mumbled and he laughed.

"There's always a chance." Joe reminded her kissing the side of her head before he pulled away so they could continue to get ready. They wanted to get there before anyone else did so they could greet them when they came. They were excited for everyone to finally know they were expecting. Twins was just a bonus to them and they were excited to welcome them into their lives and into their home, raise them into the people they wanted them to be.

"Its a good job I love you." Demi stated and he laughed putting his tie on.

"I love you too." He assured her.

Joe and Demi stood up as Dianna and Eddie came into the restaurant being shown to the table by a waiter who then took their drinks order whilst he was there. They all then settled down as they browsed the menu. They had ordered a bottle of wine for the table but Demi wouldn't be drinking any, she'd make do with her water glass which was on the table. It wasn't suspicious that she wasn't drinking because they didn't know she wasn't having any yet.

"Can you tell us what's going on then?" Josh inquired.

"Nothing is going on, we just thought we'd all come together for a meal." Joe stated and Josh rolled his eyes at his brother and they all laughed Joe and Demi glancing at one another. Joe nodded his head gently.

"I'm pregnant." She revealed and everyone erupted with cheers as they started to share hugs around the table but they soon settled down not wanting to disturb the other customers in the restaurant.

"That is great news Demi! And Joe of course, you must both be so happy." Dianna praised and they nodded their heads in agreement Joe taking hold of her hand from under the table.

"It' twins." Joe announced and they all started to get excited at the news again.

"Gosh Demi, I thought I might be having twins but now I've had Mason I'm happy I didn't." Willa stated and they all laughed.

"I can't say I'm looking forward to the end of the pregnancy or when they are both grumpy teenagers but there's a lot of positives about twins and we're both just excited about the whole process. We just have to wait too long." Demi stated and the conversation ended for a minute as the waiter brought them some drinks and took their food order.

"When is your due date?" Eddie inquired.

"beginning of March sometime but twins come earlier so we're expecting them more late February." Demi explained not feeling Joe's hand leave hers as he got off the chair. Everyone smiled as they watched what he was doing and Willa nudged Demi being sat the other side of her and her eyes moved around to where everyone was looking her eyes filling up with tears nearly instantly.

She saw Joe down on one knee holding a ring up to her.

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