Episode 30

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Joe was sat down on the floor his hands handcuffed around his back causing his arms to ache and he had a bag over his head so he didn't know where he was or what they were doing. He could hear chattering so he knew they were there, he knew there wasn't any chance of escaping. He just had to trust everyone on the outside that they were working on getting control back. He squinted his eyes as the bag was taken off his head feeling the light sting his eyes but he tried to keep them open.

"Move." He heard a demand and they helped him up onto his feet before they started walking in the direction they wanted him to go in along with the other hostages and his colleges. He couldn't imagine what they were doing to try and get them out. He had heard of prison riots and they didn't normally last over long but he couldn't help but worrying what Demi was going through and Josh but mainly Demi. He didn't want her to harm their babies in any way by stressing out too much.

"Can you take the handcuffs off for a minute so I can pee?" Joe inquired and he watched as they chatted a bit before he was lead in another direction towards the bathroom. It felt strange for them to be in charge for a change but they had to follow their orders knowing what they are capable of and they knew they would be working outside getting control again.

"No fucking about," He was warned as the handcuffs were unlocked outside the bathroom and they both entered Joe stretching his arms out as he did. "I've never seen you about before."

"What block are you in?" Joe inquired as he went over to a urinal. He wasn't here to make friends but he thought if he stayed on their good sides it wouldn't hurt.

"E5." He replied.

"I don't work anywhere near there, what do you want from this riot?" Joe asked.

"I don't really know, the ones who have started the riot are waiting for a call, we're just keeping an eye on hostages. Others are just enjoying freedom for however long it takes for us to get what we want." He explained and Joe nodded his head gently zipping his pants back up washing his hands before he put his arms forward for him to put the handcuffs back on him thankful when he didn't demand for his arms to be behind his back. It was aching his arms them being behind his back all the time. He was then led back out of the room letting a breath escape his lips as he saw three other inmates outside the door. He had an opportunity to escape then, punch the guy in the face and leave the bathroom but he was glad he didn't. He just hoped that they got control back soon, he wanted to see his brother again, see Demi and tell her how much he loved her. He didn't want to be without her and he needed to let her know that.

Demi sighed of relief when she sat down a chair having been brought to her. She was eighteen weeks along now and starting to get big. She knew she'd get bigger after twenty weeks but her feet and back were aching a lot at the moment.

"Any news?" Josh inquired.

"We're shutting off their water and electric, they won't be able to live long without water." He replied.

"Have they asked for any demands yet, have you gotten into contact?" Demi inquired.

"We're working on it at the moment but it's hard when we've switches electric off, we're finding another way to contact them." He explained and they both thanked him before he wandered away.

"They're doing all they can at the moment, I'll give them that." Demi breathed.

"Riots don't normally last more than a couple of days, especially if they've shut off the water. It's putting the hostages in more danger too but hopefully the inmates will give up before long." Demi sighed nodding her head shivering a bit but she smiled as Josh wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

"Thanks big brother." Josh smiled leaning over holding her hand gently squeezing it gently to comfort her.

"He's gonna be just fine." He assured her and Demi let out the breath she was holding.

"We should get home soon, it's getting dark." Demi breathed.

"I'll get Willa to pick us up in half an hour or so and you can stay with us until Joe is home again, okay?" Josh demanded and Demi nodded her head gently.

"Okay." She breathed watching as he got his phone out. But everyone looked towards the main door when it opened and some inmates stepped out. What worried them the most was the fact they were carrying a couple of bodies out with them dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

Inmates had been killed and they didn't want the same for the hostages.

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