Episode 18

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"Demi come on!" Joe demanded and Demi laughed as she rushed down the stairs slipping a pair of shoes on leaning on Joe's shoulder so she could keep her balance as she did and she leaned up kissing his cheek gently before he could pull away. "I said we'd be there five minutes ago, now go!" Demi laughed again picking up her bag and keys before she left through the door Joe following locking the door behind them.

"She's not gonna get any older before we get there you know?" Demi inquired and he rolled his eyes as he got into the passenger side of the car getting in with her starting up the engine putting his seat belt on as he he pulled out of the driveway.

"I just want to meet my nephew." Joe admitted and Demi smiled as she looked out the window. It had been a total of five years, Joe, Demi, Josh, Willa and Emily all graduated together, separated to different collages but they all stayed close together. Joe and Demi only got closer together after their first date and they were happy five years later living in the house Joe grew up in with his twin brother. Josh had handed the house over to him when he decided that he would move into his own place with Willa. Joe had decorated it and changed it to how he wanted it and how he knew Demi would want it before he asked her to move in too. Five years they had been together enjoying their lives with one another. Six years Josh and Willa had been together and they were due to get married in the summer. Joe wasn't in any sort of rush for them to get married. They were just enjoying what they had at the moment. He pulled up in the car park of the hospital and they both climbed out finding one another's hands but Joe's eyes were on his phone as he followed the directions Josh had sent him.



"Where are we going?" Demi inquired.

"I have no idea, Josh is too excited and missed out words in his text." Joe chuckled and Demi laughed letting go of her hand taking the phone from his hand looking at it and she turned them around leading them into the other direction and Joe laughed taking his phone back from her putting it in his pocket.

"I thought you would have shaved before you met your nephew." Demi stated and Joe rolled his eyes again.

"I told you, I'm growing it out." Joe demanded.

"You better not be!" She replied. "I'm not kissing you until you shave it off." Joe groaned and she laughed patting his back.

"I don't want to be prickled when I kiss my boyfriend." Demi demanded.

"I guess we won't be kissing anytime soon then." He challenged and she looked over at him.

"You'll break before I do, you can resist me." Demi answered walking ahead of him swaying her hips on purpose but not too noticeable. Very noticeable to Joe. He groaned catching up with her and she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her as they continued to walk. They soon reached the room Joe knocking on the door gently not wanting to wake the baby if he were sleeping. He poked his head through the door.

"Up to visitors?" Joe questioned and Josh smiled standing up greeting both Joe and Demi as they came in.

"Hey guys." He greeted but their attention were soon on the baby boy sleeping in the crib next to the bed.


"Oh guys he's handsome." Demi cooed.

"He looks like a Jonas." Joe grinned as Josh wrapped his arm around his brother.

"What a shame." Willa replied and they all laughed but they didn't want to disturb the sleeping boy.

"Does he have a name?" Demi inquired.

"Mason James Jonas," Josh replied and they both smiled. "You can hold him if you like?" Demi leaned down into the crib carefully bring Mason up into her arms a smile on her face as she admired him.

"Hey Joe, you better watch out, she's gonna be wanting one." Willa teased and Demi giggled looking up at Joe.

Theysmiled at one another before their eyes were back on Mason    

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