Episode 16

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Joe followed Demi onto the lane and he sat on the seat so he could start the game up for them. Demi could remember her parents taking her bowling when she was a young child but for some reason they hadn't been in a good five years or so. They all enjoyed it and Demi knew she was going to enjoy it tonight. She could imagine them coming here a lot and her suggesting to her parents that they could come like old times.

"You go bowling a lot then?" Demi inquired.

"Not really, I don't ever go but not often. One of my first memories was pushing a bowling ball off those stands when I was about four." Joe stated and Demi smiled.

"That's cute." She teased and Joe chuckled.

"Oh shush," He demanded but stood up once he had set the game up. He had paid for two games so they had plenty of time. They didn't need to rush. They had a couple of hours or so. "Ladies first." Demi rolled her eyes playfully at him but she stepped towards the lane grabbing herself a bowling ball putting her fingers in the correct holes on the balls.

"Let's see if I can remember how to do this," Demi stated and Joe laughed as she made it to the line and she carefully threw the ball it rolling against the wooden surface before smacking into the pins knocking half of them down. Demi laughed as Joe cheered and Demi turned around bowing at him making him laugh too as she came back over to grab another ball to finish her go. She managed to knock all pins down but one before he go was over. "Your go Mr. Jonas."

"Yes Miss Lovato," He replied pecking her cheek gently before he took his go doing the same as Demi. Knocking all the pins down but one. "Looks like we're both the same, we're not good but we don't suck either."

"At least we're the same and one of us sucks but the other is really good." Demi replied as she picking up another bowling ball ready for her go and Joe nodded his head.

"Josh is good at bowling but that's not saying much, he's good at any sport you put in front of him." Joe replied.

"What are you good at then?" Demi inquired throwing her bowling ball now it was her turn.

"Not much," Joe replied scratching the back of his head and Demi rolled her eyes at him.

"You must be good at something Joseph." Demi demanded as she came back over to pick up another ball.

"Alright then I'd like to think I'm good at music, I play my guitar a lot and write songs. Attempt to sing them." Joe admitted laughing slightly and Demi shook her head at him.

"I can't tell you whether you suck or whether your good because I never heard you but if you play for me sometime then maybe I can tell you." Demi stated throwing her other ball and Joe waited for her to come back before he spoke again.

"I haven't really played for anyone before, not even Josh but I presume he will have heard me at some point." Joe shrugged his shoulders gently standing up from the booth.

"I'll take your word for it." Demi grinned and he laughed Demi kissing his cheek gently before he went to take his go.

They did one of their games before they decided to order some food to sit and chat for a bit before they finished their last game and headed home. Demi had won the last game but she wasn't convinced that Joe hadn't let her win. Demi sat down opposite Joe after going to the bathroom and she pinched a fry from the basket in the middle putting it in her mouth.

"Good trip?"Joe questioned and Demi laughed nodding her head.

"Traffic was awful." She played along and Joe laughed this time sliding a drink of soda towards her. She hadn't been on a date before but she couldn't imagine her enjoying sitting down for a meal as much as this. Bowling and eating junk food on a Friday night. She was having an amazing time.

"It's nice to come out and not think about everything that has happened you know?" Joe questioned seriously, since Demi had come into his life they had a bad moment but the rest has been good. She has been a good distraction away from his mom and dad. As much as he wanted to keep them in his mind all the time, it was becoming exhausting.

"Good, I'm glad you're feeling better about it all. Can you still feel her around?" Demi inquired and Joe sighed nodding his head gently.

"I know she's just looking out for me, I know she'll be doing the same with Josh. He probably just can't sense it." Joe stated taking a sip of his soda through the straw.

"Anyway, we're having a good time and we don't really want to be talking about something that is making you depressed." Demi demanded and Joe couldn't help but smile. Until now he never saw himself getting over the death of his mother and father but being here with Demi now. He knew things were going to be different.

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