Episode 36 (The End)

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Demi couldn't help but smile when Joe entered the room a proud smile on his face as everyone else flooded into the room. All their eyes were on the crib though as they gathered around smiles on everyone's faces as they saw the two newest addition to the family. Joe sat on the edge of the bed next to Demi wrapping his arm around her kissing the side of her head. He peered over but only his daughter was in view a pink hat with a bow on it around her head as she slept next to her brother.

"Have you got names for them yet?" Willa inquired as Josh took Mason from her as he got a little fussy but they had been at the hospital for a while and both parents new he was getting ready for home. Joe and Demi smiled at one another before nodding their heads. They hadn't announced any names up to now because they weren't positive themselves what they wanted to name their twins.

"Meet Logan Paul Jonas and Kaylee Denise Jonas." Joe spoke proudly and everyone smiled.

"Mom and dad would love it guys." Josh praised.

"Well I'm sure they were amazing people and these little ones are going to learn about them as they grow up," Demi demanded. "Mom and dad just have to spoil them extra on behalf of your parents." They all laughed.

"Already there." Dianna announced and everyone laughed again as she went into her back bringing out two stuffed animals setting them in the crib with the two sleeping babies.

"Come give me a hug little bro." Josh demanded setting Mason on the ground with his toy. Joe laughed getting up from the bed giving him a hug and it gave everyone else chance to share a hug with Demi. They knew their babies didn't have a whole lot of people around them but the love in the air was clear. They wouldn't be growing up loved any less by anyone.

It wasn't long later that everyone left, Josh and Willa getting home so they could settle Mason. Dianna and Eddie stayed a little longer but not too long wanting them all to settle and get some rest. Joe was rocking Kaylee in his arms settling her down after changing her diaper. Demi smiled as she laid Logan back in the crib.

"There you go little Logie, you can go back to sleep now." Demi cooed caressing his cheek gently as he made a few noises as if he was content.

"He's a momma's boy already look." Joe teased and Demi smiled.

"Of course he is, he knows what's good for him," Demi grinned and Joe playfully rolled his eyes. "But it looks like Kaylee is a little madam already." Joe looked down at Kaylee as she finally settled down in his arms and he laid her back down with her brother.

"Maybe she just wanted to be with Logan, I mean each other is all they've really known for nine months." Joe stated kissing both their heads and they both soon drifted back to sleep.

"Maybe," Demi agreed. "We should get some rest now whilst we can before a little someone wakes us up." Joe chuckled nodding his head leaning over kissing her gently and Demi kissed him back before they slowly pulled away.

"I love you." Joe breathed.

"I love you too and our two perfect little babies." Demi replied and Joe smiled pecking her lips gently glancing at his children one last time before he laid down on the couch. They both fell asleep without another word shattered from the most amazing day they've had.

Joe and Demi got married two years later wanting both Logan and Kaylee to be involved in the wedding. They were both happy toddlers being spoilt by everyone around them but Joe and Demi's great parenting was clear and it would be put into practice when they welcomed their honeymoon baby to the family. Joe never went back to his job in the prison. Instead he helped Demi with her child minding the two of them able to take on more kids. They both loved that they were around Logan and Kaylee so much. The whole family went to the graveyard once a month to change the flowers on Paul and Denise's grave and they often spent the whole day doing something with Josh, Willa and Mason. Joe finally felt as if his parents would be proud of him and he only had Demi, his brother and his friends to thank for guiding him along the right path when he was getting lost. 


Enjoy MY story!! I hope this has proved it's mine and not the person who has copied! 

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