Episode 4

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"Joe are you sure we shouldn't go see someone? We can get help. We can't live and do this by ourselves anymore." Josh stated but Joe quickly pulled away from him shaking his head as he stood up running his fingers through his hair.

"No! I can't leave this house Josh." Joe demanded and Josh sighed grabbing his younger brother's hands forcing him to sit back down on the couch. He was concerned about his brother at the moment but he didn't know what he could do. He didn't want to upset his brother anymore than he already was.

"I can't keep covering for you at school Joe, they're gonna know you haven't got he flu soon enough. They know what's happened and they're going to presume that you're struggling which you are..." Josh trailed off sighing again. "You need help Joe, I'm already seeing the school therapist, maybe you should too." Joe shook his head gently.

"I don't need help." He demanded.

"You do Joe, hear it from me. If you can't hear it from me then you can't hear it from anyone. You're bound to be struggling Joe, s-she was a massive part of our life but we can't live alone like this anymore." Josh breathed sighing as Joe sobbed and he brought him into his arms again.

"I'm going crazy." He whined through his sobs.

"No you're not, you're bound to feel her around. It's only been a week since she died Joseph. And I get that your hurting and struggling without her as am I but we've got to try and continue our lives without her. Not get over her but try and move on."

"I don't want to." Joe mumbled again.

"We need to Joe, I know what happened to you was worse than me but I lost her too. But you were always a momma's boy weren't you." He teased and Joe groaned and Josh laughed poking his brother Joe pushing him away.

"It just feels wrong that she's not here, well she is here sometimes. I still feel a bit crazy for feeling her around even though I know she's gone." Joe murmured.

"She's just watching over us Joe, like she always promised to if anything happened to her," Josh assured him. "But we can't live here by ourselves anymore, it's too big of a place. She left the house to us, we could sell it and move in somewhere smaller together." Joe shook his head.

"We can't sell the house Josh," Joe urged. "It's the home mom and dad brought after they got married. The home they brought us to when we were just babies. There's too many memories here." Josh sighed.

"I get that but sometimes you need to move on from the memories and just keep them in your mind." Josh urged back but Joe shook his head again.

"No, we're not selling the house." Joe demanded getting up and leaving the room. Josh sighed leaning back on the couch, he wished he could help his brother more but it hadn't been long since their mother died, he knew it would take time for him to feel better about her not being around. He struggled sometimes too but he seemed to know how to work past it unlike Joe. It was constantly on his mind and he wished he could take it away.

Demi wandered through the door calling out to her mom that it was just her before she hung her coat up taking off her shoes. She made her way into the kitchen with her bag planning to get her homework done now before she settled for the night. She wasn't surprised when her mother was in the kitchen getting prepared for dinner when her father got home.

"How was your first day?" Dianna inquired as she peeled the potatoes putting them in cold water so they wouldn't go brown.

"It was alright, met some people that I think could be friends soon." Demi admitted.

"Oh that's nice, nobody mentioned what happened then?" Dianna inquired and Demi shook her head gently taking a seat at the table with a drink.

"I'm hoping because it was so long ago that people just don't care anymore. It's not what happened that bothers me, it's more about the rumors that got spread." Demi stated.

"Well I certainly hope that this school will be different and I'm impressed you're socializing a bit more." Dianna praised and Demi cracked a small smile.

"Thanks, I'm gonna make a start with homework." Demi stated kissing her cheek gently before she left the room taking her bag with her.

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