Episode 3

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Demi followed Josh through the hall towards the cafeteria, she had spent all morning with Josh sitting next to him in their classes getting to know him a little more as he was doing the same with her. But she knew she was about to meet some of his friends, she hoped they were as nice as he was, she already felt like this school was going to be a bit different. She knew there would never be a perfect school for her but so far this was the best first day she's had.

"Grab a tray and just follow the line along, I'll be sat at the table in the corner over there." Josh stated and Demi looked to where he was pointing and she nodded her head gently.

"Thank you." She breathed and she grabbed her tray from the stack and made her way down the line. There weren't many students here yet but the ones that were weren't giving her a glance which she was more thankful for than not. She just wanted to get this year over with so she could continue her life and forge all about school and what had been going on and was still going on. She soon made her way over to the table where Josh was sat at with his lunch. She couldn't help but become concerned that he only had a sandwich in front of him.

"You don't have anything else?" Demi inquired as she sat down and Josh shook his head gently giving Demi a thankful smile when she handed over a apple which she had picked up from the fruit bowl.

"Thank you," He breathed but she shook her head gently beginning to eat with Josh the two of them in small conversation until they were disturbed by two girls coming over. "Demi this is my girlfriend Willa and our friend Emily. This is Demi, she's new here." The three girls greeted one another Willa sitting down next to Josh and Emily took a seat next to Demi.

"We don't bite, I promise." Emily assured her and Demi let out a little laugh.

"Emily does, she's lying. I lost my big toe." Willa stated and they all laughed beginning to eat.



"Where's the bro?" Emily inquired looking over at Josh who glanced up and her and she nodded her head gently watching as a teacher passed by. It confused Demi but she shrugged it off beginning to pick at her food again even though she wasn't interested in having any of it. "Bring your own lunch in future." Demi looked over at Emily nodding her head gently.

"Josh has already given me that tip and I can't help but agree." Demi stated laughing slightly.

"They try their best in the kitchen but the school doesn't provide them the best budget to make decent food. Though if you're gonna eat here at any time then Fridays is the way to go, they do pizza and fries." Willa advised.

"I'll bare that in mind. Who doesn't like pizza?" Demi questioned rhetorically and they all agreed. "My mom makes a really good pizza if you give her all day."

"I'm going out to get some air." Josh stated as he begun to pack away his water bottle into his bag picking up the apple Demi had given him.

"You want me to come with you for some company?" Willa inquired but Josh shook his head gently.

"I'm okay," He assured her pecking her lips gently. "I'll catch up with some of the guys." He said goodbye to Emily and Demi too before he wandered away with the apple in his hands.

"Is he okay, did I say something?" Demi asked.

"It's nothing personal," Willa assured her this time. "He's just going through a bit of a rough time. Personal issues." Demi hesitated but nodded her head gently.

"I had no idea, he seemed fine all day." Demi stated.

"He's good at pushing emotions away but as it will for everyone, sometimes it's hard to keep it up." Demi nodded her head again knowing where she was coming from.

Josh made it home from school that night putting his bag by the side of the door hanging his coat up on the hooks. He could hear the TV on in the living room so he followed he sound his eyes landing on his brother slumped on the couch his eyes on the screen but they moved up to him when he noticed him.

"How are you doing?" Josh asked.

"She's still here." He mumbled.

"Joe..."Josh breathed sitting down next to him wrapping his arm around his twin brotherbringing him     

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