Episode 2

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Demi followed the boy through into the busy hallway. It just made her grip onto her bag tighter feeling nervous for starting a new school all over again. She continued to follow him as he led her into a quieter part of the school and turned to her it not being too noisy for them to speak so they could actually hear one another. Demi knew now how big the school really was and the thought of that scared her even more.

"I'm Joshua but I prefer to be called Crystal," He joked and she let out a little laugh as he shook his head. "Josh." He stuck out his hand for her to shake and she did before bringing her hand back down by her side paying attention to him but also looking around the school trying to picture where everything was.

"I'm Demi." She replied.

"So where did you come from?" He inquired pointing out where the English classrooms where and Demi made a note of it in mind remembering that she had English today.

"Oh nowhere, I just transferred schools because of bullying." Demi admitted. She wasn't scared to say she had been bullied. She knew everyone gets bullied at some point in their lives. Hers just seemed to be lasting a while.

"I would say everyone is nice here but they're not, the teachers are pretty good though, if you know the ones to go to." He instructed pointing out the history rooms this time.

"I'm hoping it won't have to come to that. This is the last school in town, mom has nowhere else to try so I'm gonna have to put up with anything and just graduate here." Demi mumbled.

"I'll look after you." Josh promised and Demi cracked a small smile. She had been told that before. She had no friends, nobody wanted to try and make friends with her in any of the other schools apart from the first school which she had spent most of her time at. Until it happened then nobody wanted to be friends with her because of the rumors that were spread which was so far from the truth. That was what hurt her more than anything.

"Thank you, are you a senior then?" Demi inquired and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I hope to graduate as soon as I can. I have a full time job waiting for me already." He stated.

"Oh that's good, not going to college then?" Demi asked again.

"Can't afford it." He admitted holding the door open for her and Demi thank him as she went through the doorway. She was just starting to realise maybe teenagers her own age might have worse problems than she did.

Josh soon showed Demi towards homeroom which they shared together. She was relieved when he sat down next to her, he was just someone she knew but she knew he'd have his own friends that he would go to when it was recess and lunchtime. She'd be alone then, she had always found it hard to make friends.They both listened as the teacher told the whole class the announcements that she needed to do but then everyone was left to study or just chat.

"We'll have the same timetable, I'll show you where your classes are." Josh assured her as he watched her look at her schedule trying to remember where it was from when he gave her a little tour.

"Really?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"It's what the school does for new kids, we sign up to help out and they just give them the same timetable so it helps the new kid settle in quicker. A student came up with the idea and it's proven to help so they've continued it." Josh explains.

"It's a good idea." Demi agreed.

"So you will have to put up with me I'm afraid." Demi shook her head laughing slightly.

"You seem like a cool guy, I can put up with you." Demi stated.

"Why thank you," He replied and she giggled. "But I'll introduce you to some of my friends, I have some friends that are girls as well. They're cool so they'll get to know you." Josh assured her and that was all she wanted from people. For them to give her a chance and get to know her because she'd like to think she was a good friend. She just needed a chance.

"What's lunch like?" Demi inquired.

"Bring your own." He chuckled and Demi laughed too.

"I'll bear that in mind for the future." She stated beginning to doodle in her notepad a little bit to distract her more than anything. She was still nervous even though she knew Josh would be around to help her out.


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