Episode 14

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Demi took her hand back from Joe's and she rushed off confusing Joe slightly but he didn't hesitate to go after her just hoping she wasn't heading towards the girls bathroom where he wouldn't be able to help her. He wouldn't judge her at the moment until he knew the full truth. He knew rumors had been spread about her, he had told her that much so that's what was on his mind at the moment. He managed to catch up with her grabbing her hand in a near empty corridor.

"Demi talk to me." Joe begged.

"You still want to talk to me after you heard that?" Demi choked slightly trying hard not to cry in front of him.

"Not until I know the truth. I know you said rumors had been spread about you so I can only presume that's what it is," Joe spoke, he'd hate it if he was wrong but he was sure he wasn't. "Come outside and we'll have a chat." Joe grabbed hold of her hand again leading the way outside the back of the school Demi sniffling slightly but Joe's touch was comforting her slightly. They reached outside where students could go outside at lunch time or during recess. Nobody was there now which Demi was thankful for. They both took a seat on a bench Demi cracking a small smile as Joe wrapped his jacket around her shoulders taking hold of her hand again as she sniffled playing with his fingers to keep her mind busy and not thinking so much about what was happening.

"I was nearly raped at my first school," Demi breathed shocking Joe slightly. "Mr. Roberts tutored me after school for months because I was struggling with physics and he offered too. It was one day after school that I was packing away and he pushed me against the wall kissing me. I was struggling under him but I was only fourteen and he was too strong. I managed to get out of his grip as he was pulling my skirt up and I just rushed out of the room straight to the principle. He was arrested straight away there being CCTV catching him doing it. But some students spread a rumor around that we slept together and he got arrested for having sex with a minor. The rumor followed me through two other school and now here. I don't know if I can do this all again." Demi started to cry and Joe sighed wrapping his arm around her.

"I believe you," He breathed. "I can't imagine how hard this is for you but you're a strong person, I know you can get through the end of the year. You know it's not true and that's all that matters." Joe demanded and Demi sighed wiping away her tears with her spare hand keeping her other one in his hand and he squeezed it gently.

"It's just really hard everyone saying something that isn't true." Demi mumbled.

"I know but you just have to get through six months or so then it won't matter. I'll talk to Josh and the girls, tell them what really happened if you want? Just in case they've heard, I know they'd stick around. You have friends here Demi and me, that's the difference in this school." Demi cracked a smile at what he said making him smile too.

"Thanks," She breathed leaning over kissing him gently and he kissed her back before she pulled away. "I think you deserve a kiss after your help." Joe chuckled bringing her into a hug which she hugged back in.

After her talk with Joe she knew this school would be different and she knew he was right when he said that she has friends here. That was something she didn't have in her other schools. This was her only option now and she had Joe to help her through it just like she was going o help him through continuing to mourn his mother and even his father who only died months ago. She knew she'd have Josh, Willa and Emily too.

"I hope that teacher is having a hard time in prison." Willa demanded and Demi let out a breathless laugh.

"Attempted rape on a minor I think he will be." Josh assured them all.

"I'm over that now, it's just these rumors going around that are my problem at the moment." Demi admitted.

"We still love you!" Emily announced giving her a hug and Demi laughed hugging her back.

"Thanks." Demi stated pulling away from her as Joe came over to them and he kissed the side of her head gently making her smile more. She knew she was going to have something special with Joe and she had friends too which would be by her side knowing the truth about what happened.

She felt safe here with Joe, Josh, Willa and Emily. Safer than she did at any other school and she was staying positive about graduating and getting her school life finished with.

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