Episode 8

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Demi made it back in time for dinner that night sitting down with her mother and her father so they could all eat together. She had a good time with who she would now consider her new friends. They had done more for her than anyone ever did at her other schools. But she was still afraid that once they heard all the rumors about her that she'd be alone again.

"So where did you go? Did you have a good time?" Dianna inquired and Demi nodded her head swallowing and taking a sip of her water glass before replying.

"To the mall, we went for milkshakes," Demi answered. "You remember me talking about Josh, Emily and Willa yesterday right? It was with them and Josh's brother Joe."

"Older or younger?" Eddie inquired and Demi rolled her eyes at him making them both laugh.

"Younger by a few minutes. They're identical twins." Joe explained beginning to pick at her food again.

"As long as they're good boys and their own intention is to be friends I'm good with that." Eddie stated but Demi knew he was joking, trying to look out for her after everything that's happened. She knew he wouldn't be completely opposed to her coming home with a boyfriend but he'd want to get to know him.

"Josh and Willa are dating and both Joe and Josh have a lot going on. I doubt their first thought is on dating." Demi mumbled.

"How do you mean?" Dianna inquired.

"It's not really my place to say mom but I am kind of worried about what they're doing..." Demi trailed off slightly sighing. "They're mother died last week and they've been living alone in the house. Surely they could be getting some help or something because of their age?"

"They don't have any other family?" Dianna inquired and Demi shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I presume they don't have a dad but I'm not sure about other family members. I'd presume not since there hasn't been a funeral and Joe and Josh are supposed to be sorting it out." Demi answered.

"I think you need to be telling someone at school Demi, they'll know what to do." Dianna urged.

"I don't want to loose them as suppose friends though." Demi mumbled. It had been a while since she had and friends and she already felt as if this school would be different. She wasn't sure if anyone else would want to be her friend.

"Their wellbeing is more important Demi." Dianna stated and Demi sighed nodding her head gently.

"I'll go to someone tomorrow morning," Demi agreed but she still wasn't sure. She pushed her plate away getting up. "I'm going to make a start on my homework."

Joe thanked Josh as he passed him a plate. Neither of them were used to cooking. They were used to coming home and they're mom wanting to cook for them. Since she died they have been living off packet foods and read meals which were quick and easy to cook in the microwave. But nothing would beat their mom's cooking.

"Demi is nice isn't she." Josh stated and Joe nodded his head gently putting his plate in his lap it being too hot to eat yet.

"Yeah she is, she offered to help us with the funeral," Joe breathed. "I suppose we do need to get that sorted."

"Yeah we'll started at the weekend." Josh agreed.

"I can still feel her around you know? It's like she's in the room with us." Joe admitted.

"You're bound to feel this way for a while. But we'll get sorted, we'll have the funeral, take however long it will take for us to mourn then we can move on with our lives. Graduate and move on fully." Joe sighed nodding his head in agreement. He somehow didn't want to move on but he knew he had to. He had his whole life ahead of him, he just wished his mother was here to watch it.

"I can't help but think that dad wouldn't be proud of her and us." Joe confessed.

"He would be, no matter what happened. Don't worry about that." Josh assured him and Joe nodded his head gently beginning to eat with his brother the TV on in the background. He thought he was going crazy feeling as if there was more than him and his brother in the room. He was starting to wonder whether there was something that his mother wanted, something she hasn't finished yet and needed to before she went to rest. He just didn't know what is could possibly be. But he felt comforted as he ate with his brother feeling as if his mother was still around.

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