Episode 15

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"My baby girl is going on her first date!" Dianna grinned and Demi rolled her eyes as she ate dinner with her parents that Friday night. She had told them about the date before and they had allowed her. Joe had told her to eat something light before the date so she was just having a small salad. She had been looking forward to the date all week since Joe asked her.

"I'm not letting him in so you can't ruin this for me." Demi accused and they laughed.

"Are you meeting him there?" Eddie inquired and Demi nodded her head gently.

"He doesn't have a car to drive so I told him we'd just meet there. They had to sell the car when their mom died just for some extra money." Demi explained.

"I'm glad they've sorted things out. I feel sorry for those boys. I would never want to leave you not knowing what would happen." Dianna expressed. Demi hated the idea of losing her mother. Just like she knew Joe and Josh would have felt the same especially after losing their father not long before. She felt like Joe was doing slightly better now, she had to help him through a bad day the day before the last one. He admitted to her that he could still feel his mother around and he couldn't sleep at all.

"I try not to think about it to be honest mom." Demi replied.

"You know I'll protect you if this boy breaks your heart right?" Eddie questioned and Demi rolled her eyes. "This is serious Demi, things could not work out and I'll go have words with him."

"Yes dad," Demi replied. "I'm going to go get myself ready." Demi put the last forkful of her salad in her mouth before she headed towards the stairs so she could get ready to go out with Joe.

Joe smiled as he looked up from his phone seeing Demi was coming over to him. He had told her to meet him in the park so they could walk to the date together. That way it would still be a surprise for him.

"Hey, I was about to text you." Joe stated as she got close enough to be able to talk to her.



"Well I'm here now," She stated and he took hold of her hand leading her towards the exit so they could get the date started. It was something they had been looking forward to all week. Feeling an instant connection between one another. Neither of them had really had a relationship before but that calmed them a bit knowing they didn't have to live up to an expectation. "So where are we going?" Joe laughed slightly. He knew she was curious.

"Bowling." Joe stated and Demi couldn't help but smile.

"I haven't been bowling in years!" Demi exclaimed but he could tell she was excited to go.

"Well we're going tonight, I was going to take you to see a movie but I thought bowling and actually being able to talk to one another would be better." Joe stated.

"Bowling sounds perfect to me." Demi assured him.

"I thought we'd play a few game, order some food and take our times. Do you have a curfew you have to get home by?" Demi shook her head gently.

"No really, my parents trust me to come home at a reasonable time. I think between ten or eleven will do me." Demi stated and Joe nodded his head gently.

"Same, I start work tomorrow so I need an early night because I will be up late tomorrow." Joe stated as they reached the bowling alley and he let go of her hand holding the door open for her as they both entered. They couldn't deny how excited they were to spend some time alone together. Get to know one another more too. They knew they'd have a great night and they couldn't wait to get it started. They got more and more eager as they got their bowling shoes on and ready to start playing.

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