Episode 27

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Joe left it for a couple of minutes putting the engagement ring on the coffee table before he got up heading towards the stairs. He could hear Demi's sniffling as he got halfway up and he could hear her moving about packing a bag so he could go live with her parents, that's where he presumed she'd go. He wouldn't force her to stay no matter how much he wanted to but he had to try and talk to her. He stood in the doorway watching her pack a few belongings in a duffel bag.

"I don't want to talk Joe." She demanded.

"Then don't talk, just listen to me," He demanded back and she didn't do anything, not even glance at him as she continued to pack. "I'm sorry that I lied to you about this, I just knew you'd freak out. I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay and we can work through this together..." Joe encouraged and sighed as she stayed silent. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Yeah, just leave me for a couple of days to think. I'm not gonna ban you from seeing your kids of anything but I can stay here and kiss you off to work knowing you could get harmed there. I love you too much for that."

"If you loved me then we'd work through this Demi, this has been my first incident in two years. If I was a cop would you feel the same? Or even a firefighter like Josh?" Demi ignored him. "Demi please don't leave for something so small."

"My care and love for you isn't small Joe," Demi snapped slightly. "Just give me a couple of days."

"This is stupid." Joe mumbled before leaving heading down the hall and Demi sighed putting a couple of books in her bag before she zipped it up sitting on the edge of the bed. She sighed running her hand over the bedding as she looked at a picture of her and Joe. It was when they went on vacation together the year before. When she met Joe she never imagined that she's fall this much in love with him but that was exactly why she didn't want to see him get hurt. She was so in love with him and just seeing his face so beaten up was enough for her to want to hold him in her arms and never let go of him. Protect him from his own job. But he wasn't her child and he didn't need protecting, that was why she thought it was the best for her to leave.

Josh pounded as hard as he could on the door. He knew his brother was inside, his car was in the garage and the lights were in in the hallway. It didn't take long for them to hear of Demi leaving. Packing a bag and leaving him behind in the house he grew up in. She had gone to her parents where she felt miserable trying her best not to.

"Joe!" He called. "Please open the door!" He demanded again, he had been trying for nearly twenty minutes to get inside. He sighed of relief when he heard a car pull up behind him and Willa got out of the car Josh meeting her taking the keys from her. Joe and Demi had always given them a spare key Josh keeping his from when he had moved out.

"I'll stay here, I've brought Mason obviously, text me if you want some help." Josh nodded his head kissing her head gently before he rushed up the path unlocking the door. He entered and shut the door behind him.

"Joe!" Josh called as he searched downstairs but it soon came clear that he wasn't there so he went upstairs taking each step two at a time making his way down the hall until he found his way into the bedroom where he saw a figure laid in the bed.

"Go away." Joe mumbled.

"No," Josh demanded back sitting down on the floor by the bed and Joe sighed turning over in the bed so his back was facing him. "She hasn't broken up with you, she just wants some time." Josh urged. He knew how much they were in love with one another, he knew they wouldn't cope without one another for too long.

"She gave me the ring back Josh, I think that's breaking up with me." Joe mumbled.

"She's a little hormonal at the moment Joe, she'll come to her senses soon and come back home." Josh assured him.

"I miss her already." Joe choked and Josh sighed getting up from the floor laying down on the other side of the bed. He didn't know what he'd do without Willa but he could only imagine it was what Joe was going through at the moment.

"Just take a few days away from one another then come together and see if you can work things out. That's all I can suggest Joe but you know you have my back, I'm only a phone call away if you ever need something or company." Josh demanded rubbing his back.

"Stay?" Joe mumbled wiping away his tears but more were soon replaced. He never understood why people cried over their partner but feeling the pain of Demi leaving was getting too much for him. He only realized now how much he really did love her and how desperately he wanted her back.

"Of course, always." Josh assured him comforting his brother.

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