Episode 21

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Joe entered the gates and headed towards the building once inside signing himself in for work. He stretched his arms out parting his legs slightly as they checked him for anything suspicious but he carried on walking when he passed everything. He swiped his card on every door before he opened the one to the offices needing to finish off some paperwork before he started his duties.

"Good day off yesterday Jonas?" He heard looking to his left seeing one of his work colleges that he often spoke to. They all got along here, there wasn't any reason not to.

"Yep, met my nephew and spent the rest of the day with Demi until we went back to Josh and Willa's to spend some time with them once they got home." Joe explained.

"Sounds good, we have a bunch of new men coming in today. Just for petty crimes, nothing big."

"Oh the joys." Joe spoke sarcastically and he laughed. Joe was a prison guard in one of America's biggest prisons not ever just working on one part or doing the same thing everyday. Sometimes he worked in the public levels where everyone was trusted to be around one another but other days where the inmates were in solitary confinement only allowed to leave their cells for one hour a day. He never imagined he would end up working somewhere like this when he was younger. But the opportunity came up and he took it training for it and he had now been here for two years. He knew how much Demi worried about it but it was a well built prison and the requirements they had in place meant that other inmates or staff weren't to get hurt. To him, there were more dangerous jobs out there than what he was doing.

"Jonas, Harrison, we need to do a cell search of section 1E. We've had a tip off that drugs are being sold." The boss demanded as he came in and they both had to drop what they were doing following the boss out of the work so they could start the search. Drugs and weapons weren't allowed inside the prison but they knew they'd find some. They could only do so much to prevent them coming in but the men seem to find a way.

Demi climbed out of her car making her way up the short distance to the top of the path knocking on the door. It didn't take long for the door to open revealing Josh who greeted her as she greeted him back. He let her inside where she took her jacket off hanging it up on the hooks before slipping her shoes off.

"How are you all doing then?" Demi inquired as he led the way into the living room. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Willa on the floor changing Mason's diaper leaving a diaper off him so it would help to prevent a rash

"Everything is fine, he was a bit fussy last night not wanting to go back to sleep but we got him there eventually." Josh replied and Demi sat down on the couch.

"How's mommy life going?" Demi inquired and Willa let out a breathless laugh.

"Tiring but amazing." Willa breathed as she admired her son. Demi was very aware this would be he in six months time, admiring her own baby, she was excited but she was still nervous about it all. They had been planning to start a family for a little under the year it taking a little while for them to get the result they wanted. But it was only now that she had started thinking about how dangerous Joe''s job could be. But she trusted him to do the right thing whilst at work. She couldn't do anything but trust him, it was what he enjoyed and they were starting their family that they had been planning since they were teenagers.

"Are you okay?" Josh inquired as he sat next to her.

"Yeah," Demi replied. "Just had a bit of a serious conversation about his work. I've only just come to realise how dangerous his job could be. He works with murders, serial killers and other crimes. The men are dangerous, they must be if they're locked up."

"But they are locked up where they can't hurt anyone. They are safe there and that includes staff members." Josh demanded.

"Josh's job is dangerous too but I don't worry because I know that all firefighters are looked after as are all prison guards where Joe works." Willa urged and Demi nodded her head.

"I know all that, I guess I'm just worrying more because prison is where my real dad died. He was in prison for selling drugs and using them then he died in a prison riot where guards were killed too. I don't know why I've suddenly started thinking about it more, maybe it's because dad's anniversary of his death is coming up."

"Probably but don't worry about him okay? He's a smart man, he knows what he's doing." Josh demanded and Demi smiled, she knew they were right. She just had to trust Joe.

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