Episode 5

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Joe came through into the room he shared with his brother. They had always been inseparable and they were asked when they were young teenagers whether they wanted their own rooms or carry on sharing and they both said straight away that they'd rather share. They thought they needed one another more than ever at the moment. Josh wiped his eyes gently sitting up on his bed putting the picture back on the nightstand.

"You can cry you know? You don't have to pretend you're alright when your not." Joe stated sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I know, I just feel the need to look out for you more." Josh admitted and Joe sighed slightly.

"I may be younger Josh but we're still twins, we were still born on the same day. I'm not your little little brother." Joe demanded and Josh shook his head gently.

"I know but I still like to look out for you like I'm sure you do the same to me. All we've got now is one another." Josh stated.

"Don't remind me." Joe mumbled falling back on his bed feeling his tears well with tears remembering a time when they were all together before everything had happened. It seemed a while ago now but he wished they could go back to that.

"Come to school tomorrow?" Josh questioned and Joe hesitated standing up off the bed heading over to the wardrobe.

"It was a week ago Josh, the school think I have the flu but they'll understand if I want time off for mom dying." Joe grumbled.

"So? You can't miss too much school Joe and it honestly helps me get my mind off everything." Josh stated.

"Fine I'll go but I'm not promising I'll be able to get through the whole day," Joe stated grabbing a pair of sweat pants. "I'm taking a bath then bed."

"Okay," Josh stated watching as he went to leave the room. "Joe." Joe turned around to look at his slightly older brother. "You know I love you, don't you?" Joe cracked a small smile nodding his head gently.

"I know and I love you too bro." He assured him before leaving the room leaving his brother behind who smiled too sitting up on his bed to carry on with his homework.

Joe took in a deep breath as he stared up at the school in front of him but he felt calmer than he would if he didn't have his brother by his side. They didn't hang out all the time at school but the majority of the time they'd be together. Joe found himself following his brother up the path into the school.

"It feels weird being here." Joe admitted.

"Yeah it will considering she used to drop us off most of the time." Josh agreed but they were heading in the direction of their lockers. Joe knew that was where they would meet Willa and Emily. They were his friends too and he was happy for his brother that he had a happy relationship with Willa. They had been together for nearly a year now.

"I wonder what she will think of us as we continue to grow up." Joe breathed but Josh shook his head.

"I try not to think about it." He admitted.

"And that is why you're not mourning like you should be." Joe stated Josh shaking his head again but he smiled when Willa came in sight greeting him with a hug and a kiss.

"How are you doing?" Emily asked and Joe sighed as she brought him into a hug.

"Not too great but Josh convinced me to come to school." He admitted but then his eyes landed on an unfamiliar face just behind Emily who gave him a small smile.

"Joe this is Demi, she was new yesterday," Josh introduced. "Demi this is my non-identical twin Joe." Demi laughed slightly, she had noticed that Josh was a bit of a joker.

"They literally look the same, I still get them mixed up." Emily stated and Demi laughed.

"We keep the same hairstyle on purpose." Josh teased.

"We only know who Josh is cause he's all over Willa." Emily teased back and Josh rolled his eyes looking at the watch on his wrist.

"I have to go speak to a teacher, could you keep an eye on Joe?" Josh asked looking over at the girls.

"Will you quit it? I don't need looking after." Joe stressed slightly before he walked off Josh sighing.

"You do baby him a bit Josh." Willa stated.

"Only because I know how much he's hurting over this... He shouldn't have found her like that." Josh breathed watching as Joe walked around the corner.

Josh let go of Willa's hand and rushed after his brother. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone or not at the moment but he hated to see his brother hurting.

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