Episode 26

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"Hey Demi, are you okay?" Josh inquired as he opened the door to her later on that night. She had finished her work for the day but she felt lonely in the house without Joe not knowing what was going on. She knew that something wasn't quite right but she couldn't guess what it was by the little he told her. Demi nodded her head gently stepping in as Josh shut the door behind her.

"Do you know what's going on with Joe? He called me but something seems off." Demi stated as Josh led her into the living room where they took a seat.

"Willa is upstairs with Mason," Josh explained laughing slightly as Demi was looking around and she nodded her head. "But no, all I know is they've asked him to work in a prison about an hour's drive away from here."

"I just don't see how he can't even come home for half a day or so. Surely he's not working the whole time he's there. I think he's lying to me, I don't want to accuse him of anything but there is something going on that he's not telling us about." Demi expressed and Josh sighed shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't think he's cheating on you, do you?" Josh questioned and Demi quickly shook her head.

"No, no," She assured him. "I haven't really thought about what he might be doing but I trust that he's not cheating. I just don't know what he could be doing but I'm not sure that he really is working."

"Maybe he's surprising you with something? He hasn't mentioned anything to me but we don't tell each other everything like we did when we were younger." Demi took in a deep breath shrugging her shoulders.

"I just can't help but worry." Demi urged.

"Well don't, you said you trust Joe then that's it. If whatever he's doing is important then I'm sure he'd tell you," Josh assured her. "But try not to stress, it's not good for the babies." Demi took in a deep breath nodding her head.

It was only two days later that Emily had called Demi and told her that she had spotted Joe in the grocery store. In town. She was in complete shock of why Joe would be hiding something from her. She thought they were happy together, waiting on the arrival of their two babies and planning to get married. But she decided she was going to confront him and give him a call, demand that he told her the truth of what was going on. But she couldn't help but get more and more nervous as she heard her phone trying to connect to Joe's phone but hearing his voice over the lined calmed her down.

"Hey Dems." He greeted.

"I know you're still in town." Demi spoke without greeting him back and she heard silence on the other line but nothing to tell her that he had hung up on her.

"Demi..." Joe trailed off but Demi stopped him before he could say anything else.

"I just want to know what you're doing Joe and why you're keeping things from me!" Demi demanded and she heard silence on the other line for a minute but he did speak again sooner than last time.

"I'm coming home, it will be easier to do this face to face." He replied sighing as Demi hung up without saying another word.

Demi sat down eager for when her fiance got home. She had been thinking about what she'd say to him or what she'd do but she had no idea what he was going to tell her. It hurt her that he had hidden something from her. She thought she had made it clear that he could trust he with anything and it made her feel like she had done something to him. She sat up on the couch when she heard a car door slam and soon enough she heard the front door open.

"Demi?!" He called.

"In here!" She called back knowing he would follow her voice and soon enough her walked in sighing at the shock on her face as her eyes landed on him. He looked beaten up, a black eye and cuts on his face. She could see some bruises on his arms. "W-What happened to you?"

"An inmate got violent and beat me up a bit." He mumbled wincing as she got up caressing his cheek gently.

"So you thought you'd hide from me for a bit until you're injuries aren't obvious?" She guessed and he nodded his head gently.

"I knew you'd freak out and tell me I shouldn't be doing this job." He admitted and she pulled away letting the tears fall from her eyes.

"I-I can't do this." She stammered.

"Do what?" Joe inquired.

"Watch you get hurt in a job that you so desperately want to do," Demi demanded slipping the ring off her finger passing it over. "I'm sorry Joe." She tried to rush off but he grabbed her wrist.

"No Demi, we can talk about this." He urged but she yanked her wrist back shaking her head.

"I don't want to talk about it, I'll be out your house sometime today." She mumbled getting away from him before he could say anything.

Joe sighed sitting down on the couch leaning forward his head in his hands. 

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