Episode 20

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Demi dumped the bags down on the bed taking in a deep breath before sitting down on the edge of the bed. She was excited about the prospect being a mother bit at the same time she was scared, she knew Joe was going to be behind her throughout the pregnancy and when their baby arrived but it was her first baby and her first pregnancy. She somewhat knew what to expect but nobody knew exactly what to expect until they went through it.

"You okay?" Joe inquired a concerned expression on his face and Demi smiled nodding her head.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about what the pregnancy will be like and what it will be like when our baby is here." Demi admitted as he sat down next to her. She didn't want to tell him what was really on her mind, it was just a scary thought she had that she knew would most likely not come true.

"I don't think anyone can tell you Dems, a lot of pregnancies are different but you'll be fine. You've wanted to be a mother for years! I can remember us talking about it whilst we were still at school. I'm kinda surprised we haven't given up and had a baby sooner," Demi laughed slightly looking over at him and his smile faded seeing there was still something up. "Demi talk to me, what's wrong?" Demi sighed looking down at her hands.

"I'm worried about you." She admitted.

"Me? Why would you be worried about me? I'm so excited to have this baby with you." Joe expressed.

"It's your job Joe, I'm worried something is going to happen and you're gonna get hurt." Demi mumbled and Joe sighed wrapping his arm around her kissing the side of her head. He knew it was something she did worry about but he didn't know what he could say to her to make her feel better about him going to work everyday and earning them money to stay living in this house and extending their family.

"I've told you that you don't need to worry, I'm looked after by other staff and the boss just how I look out for them. It's very rare anything happens now Demi because of all the precautions we have. You honestly have nothing to worry about." Joe urged.

"Something could still happen Joe and it could be out of your hands. I'd hate for anything to happen to you, for you not to be a father and for me to have to tell our child about you because you died at work." Demi breathed.

"There's more dangerous jobs out there Demi... the army, construction and hey I be even more farming can be more dangerous than what I do! Because it could be a dangerous job makes it probably a lot safer because of all the precautions it takes. Nobody has died in a long while Demi. I'm not going anywhere." Joe assured her.

"Please don't make a promise you're not in control as..." Demi breathed. "But this talk has made me feel a lot better about it all. I mean you've been doing this for two years and you haven't come home with a black eye or anything so I can't worry too much can I?"

"I love my job like you love yours. I couldn't imagine doing anything different." Demi smiled leaning up pecking his lips."

"And that's all that counts, I just can't help but worry about you. I love you." Demi breathed and Joe smiled moving some hair out of her eyes tucking it behind her ear.

"I love you too and our little one. I will do everything in my power to make sure I make it home to my family."

"I know you will." Demi stated.

"Good now come on, let's pack this stuff away and get some dinner on so we can take some over to Josh and Willa's."

Demi looked up from the stove as Joe came into the kitchen and he pecked her lips gently before he poured himself a coffee. He thanked her as she passed him a plate with an omelette on currently in the process of doing her own.

"What time will you be back?" Demi inquired. "In time for the maternity appointment at three?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world! I'll be leaving work around two, getting here for half past then we'll set straight off. I'll get changed at work."

"Okay, I guess I'm having a quiet day to myself." Demi stated keeping her eyes on the pan so she didn't burn her breakfast.

"I'm sure you'll find your way to Josh and Willa's soon enough."

"I wonder if Mason will get confused between you and Josh when he's older." Demi stated.

"We'll see I guess but I wouldn't say we look that similar now."

"I'm sorry Joseph but you do." She stated slipping the omelette on the plate before sitting down opposite him.

"Yes boss." He declared and she laughed.

"Don't you know it." She teased and he laughed too nudging her from under the table.

"Speaking of bosses, I need to go in a little earlier to finish off some paper work from yesterday. But I'll text you as soon as I leave work okay?I love you."

"I love you too, see you later." 

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