American Hero Part 1

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She sat in her seat, unbelievably bored while Yugi and the others read some comic book from America. Something about a Zombie, she was near asleep due to her boredom. This world could be so boring.

     She hated school as well, the school from her world was completely different from this. How she wished she could let all her pokemon out and go play in the forest. Instead she was held prisoner in a concrete jungle.

   "Zombire isn't just some muscle head ! He was originally a Death God, but Human Love awoke him, and now he fights evil for humanity's sake !" Yugi's normally weak friend piped up enough to shout.

    "Enough !" She snapped as she smacked the Yugi sized boy, Hanasaki. "Ow !" He yelped. In a ill mood she glared malevolently. "What's got Alice so mad, Yugi ?" Jounouchi whispered. "I don't know," Yugi whispered back.

"Sorry. Sometimes I get too excited," Hanasaki wavered. Still death glaring she left the class to go outside.

"Alice ! Come on ! Hanasaki invited us to his house !" Yugi called.

Oh, someone shoot me or something ! She groaned. The kid's room looked like it had been Zombie barfed all over it. Hearing the door open she saw a female version of Hanasaki appear to offer them cookies.

 "Wahaha ! I am Zombire !" A man wearing a masked popped up. Having enough she snapped, racing over she karate chopped him in the head before knocking him over.

"Papa !" Hanasaki yelled in surprised. "Yeah, not a good time to be wearing that. I'm past my Zombie tolerance," She bluntly replied. "It's Zombire !" The boy insisted on correcting her.

"You're obsessed with all this," She replied before leaving the house.

Later that night as she haunted the streets with her Houndoom she spotted a small Yugi sized figure wearing a Zombie costume. For some reason the thugs he was fighting pretended that Hanasaki had super strength or something.

    She soon found her reason why. The Dad had payed the thugs to act it all out. She even heard the old fool give them his son's name and where he went to school.

The next day after school she saw the same thugs, only this time they circled Yugi.

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