One Piece of Heart

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And now for the Penalty Game, she wonder what it would be this time ?

"I've smashed your Evil-filled heart !" For some people they would wonder if Kaiba even had a heart. Heartless Bastard was what he was probably called behind his back and more. However more armed goons appeared to keep them all in line.

  "Gah !" One made a sound before going down. Looking back she saw the duo, Dumb and Dumber were back together. 

"That's enough," A voice ceased the brawl. Mokuba seemed to be paying a debt to Yami, also he was the one who saved Honda from being squashed.

  Once Yami was back with them Mokuba explained why his brother wanted revenge.

"It all started out the day he played chess...."

The basic was that ate age 10 for Seto and Mokuba at three the two became orphans. Their Mom died giving birth to him and the Dad at an accident. The relatives used up their inheritance and left them in a orphanage. Kaiba protected and cared for his brother.

"That day...That man cake looking for a boy to adopt...Kaiba Gouzaburou...He was the President of Kaiba Corporation, and champion at the World Chess Championship. He'd come looking for my brother. They talked. My brother won."

But their life was nothing like they dreamed of. Day after day Seto was driven in a grueling regiment meant for the gifted. Languages, Sociology, Management, Game Tactics and more... but what the guy didn't know that the successor he was grooming would be his greatest enemy.

Six years from that, this current time, Seto Kaiba took over the entire company.

Yami then comforted Mokuba by telling him that in time the pieces of his heart would be back together. But for now he's just a mindless vegetable, she concluded. 

With everything calmed down Honda asked the question. "So Alice, how are you still alive ? You did not go through the door with me." Licking her soft served treat she replied, "Oh I was teleported out of danger so I was safe the entire time."

At this Honda exploded. "All this time you could do that !? Why didn't you save me !?" Looking over at dumb she replied, "You weren't with me."

 "So Yugi, one of these days you and Yami are going to have to battle me. I look forward but you two better prepare yourselves. I'm not that easy to beat." Grinning she flashed a victory gesture

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