Nightwing x Reader

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A/N:  HOLY SCHNITZELS  we reached  48K, last time I checked we had 18!!!!!!! That's awesome so thanks guys

And without further ado,

Requested by: @everyone-who-requested-for-nightwing

"How desperate do I look to you?"

"You've passed your thirties Dick, you're getting old and it's time you settled down" Bruce said firmly as he
drank his morning coffee. He was slowly approaching his late fifties yet he didn't look a day over forty.

"Damian take those off and tell your brother to stop being so stubborn." He scolded his youngest son who didn't hear him over his headphones. He turned to Dick again. "All you have to do is meet the girl, there's no commitment, really!"

"What do you have to lose? Thirty minutes of your life and three dollars for the coffee?" Tim winked at his stunned brother.

"I can't believe you're on his side!"

"What are you on about?" Jason walked in, shrugging off his cloak and hanging it near the door.

Tim turned to face Jason. "Bruce is trying to set old Dick up on a date."

Jason grabbed a piece of buttered bread of the table and took the end seat of their large dining table."So, what's this girl like?"

"Oh! I'm glad you asked." Bruce smiled warmly at Jason and then cast a dirty look at Dick. "Her name is (Y/N), she's a very nice girl, lives in the better part of Gotham, not that it matters. I had already spoken to her about you and she agreed, of course, and she's waiting for you to call her."

"Oh, for fuck's sake. Give me her bloody number, I'll text to her, maybe that'll shut you up."

"Watch your mouth, young man!" Bruce scolded.

Dick smirked. "Five minutes ago you said I was old." He pulled out his phone ad furiously clicked the screen.

Bruce carried on eating his breakfast hearing Dick mumbled to himself angrily once in a while as he ate his third helping of bacon and eggs. He could hear "private life" and "hysterical old men" thrown in.

"How about getting a haircut for the date?" Bruce started pestering Dick again, and Tim was now sure it wasn't going to end very well. Dick was known for his impatience.

"Bruce..." he warned, but it was too late.

Damian's ears perked up in interest. "A date? You've been here for three days and you already have a date? Who set you up this time? Stephanie?"

He turned to Tim, but be shook his head. But when Bruce confirmed that it was him, Damian's eyes shone with glee. He looked as if his birthday had come early. After all, it wasn't every day that you got to watch Dick  blush. "Father set you up? You must be really desperate."

"What is wrong with getting a girl's name from your me?" Bruce called out. "You went out with that girl Barbara set you up with!"

Dick remembered that girl Barbara  had tried to matchmake him with. For a while Barbara and Stephanie had been obsessed with finding him the perfect girl. Every time he came over for a visit he'd gone out with a girl or two.

"We all saw how that went out" retorted Dick. "I really should stop going to blind dates. They all end up being lunatics."

"What was wrong with Anna?" asked Barbara as she joined the conversation. "She's really nice, smart, athletic, very pretty..."

"And she's insane"

"What are you on about? She's dead smart, she went to Yale!"

"So? She's still a crazy. She's vegetarian."

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