Chapter One

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                                                      Skyler's POV

I was eating malasada with my friends, Lillie and Hau. Hau was stuffing malasada in his mouth hungrily. I stared. "Hau, have you not eaten for days or something?" Lillie joked. "So...good," Hau mumbled through his mouthful of malasada.

I nodded to my friends. "Well, gotta go guys. Training time." I rose, flipped my hood over her head, and strolled out, hands in my pockets. Nyx was walking beside me.

I threw out the pokeball containing Litten. "Nyx, Litten, we're going to train now!" Meowstic ran farther away so they could battle. "Now Litten, use Ember!" Litten's fur rose up on it's back, and it emitted a blast of fire. The Meowstic dodged and used Psychic. Litten was hit, and fell. "Come on, Litten, I know you can do this!"

Litten began to rise up on shaky legs. "Good job! Now another Ember!" With newfound strength, Litten threw another blast at Nyx. It was a critical hit. Nyx fell on one knee. The attack was stronger than he had anticipated. "Okay, that was great! Let's take a break."

Hearing a noise, I turned around. "Hey." the boy said in a flat voice. A blonde boy then emerged from the shadows of the trees. Skyler stared at him. He looked like an edgy person. Edgier than her. With a glare, I spoke. "Are you stalking me or something? I'd like you to go away."

My eyes drifted to the torn clothing, the hair covering one brilliant green eye. The dark colors. The boy smirked. "Ooh, edgy," he said. "You seem like a strong trainer." I looked away, to hide the grin on my face. "Whatever. Well, you seem like a creep." I turned back to him, annoyance shining in my blue eyes. "Again, go away."

The boy looked straight into my eyes, though my face was shadowed by my hood. "Battle me." he said.

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