Chapter Nineteen

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                                                       Lillie's POV

I was really worried about Skyler. I had sent her a text, but she didn't reply. And now we were walking out of the hospital, after Skyler wouldn't let us in. But she seemed different. Not like the friendly girl we had become friends with. She seemed like Gladion, but worse than that. Then I had an idea. "Hey guys, let's talk to her mom! Maybe she has something to tell us!" Hau and Gladion nodded. Luckily, I had her phone number from when we met. In a moment, Skyler's mother answered the phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Umm, hi, it's Lillie, and I wanted to ask you a question. It's about your daughter."

"Sure, what about her?"

I hesitated. "She's been acting strange since yesterday. She's been shutting me and her other friends out, and she hasn't replied to my texts or anything..."

"Oh...She's gone through this before..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she wouldn't like to talk to anyone, and would shut herself away for days, only coming out for food. She liked to convince herself that the world was against her. She came up with a mentality that the world hated her, so she would hate the world."

I gasped. "Really?"

"Yes. Something must have set her off. She thinks she needs no one. She used to not care about anyone or anything. She said she didn't want or need friends. But now she has them. And yet, something flipped a switch in her brain causing her to act like this..."

I was much more concerned now. "Thank you. Bye." I ended the call.

I turned to her friends, who had questioning looks on their faces. "She's done this before," I started. "It seems like this is who she used to be. I'm going to go talk to her. You stay here and wait." I turned to start walking away, but Hau called me back. "She doesn't want visitors!" he said. "I won't ask permission then!" I replied.

I turned the handle to Skyler's door and ran in. She turned her back to me. "What do you want?" she asked in a harsh voice. I flinched. "I just want to talk..." Skyler glanced at me, and I saw tear tracks going down her face. "Have you been...crying?" She wiped her face, but more tears began to flow. I placed and hand on her back gently. "Go away!" she sobbed. "You don't need me, why are you still here?" I gasped at her words. "We do need you! You're our friend!" Skyler didn't reply, just continued crying. But then she shocked me again. She had just pushed me to the floor. "I don't need friends, and I never did!" she said. But then she froze. She was staring at me while I got up, then she pulled me into a hug. "I-I'm so s-sorry, Lils!" she cried. "P-please forgive me! I didn't mean it, a-any of it!" I smiled. "It's all forgiven. Can I call Hau and Gladion in now?" She nodded slowly. Tears were still falling down her face, and I handed her a tissue to wipe them up.

Gladion and Hau entered quietly. Hau saw Skyler and immediately ran over to sit on the opposite side of her, apologizing for looking at stuff that wasn't his business. Gladion looked like he was going to ask questions, but he took one look at the stricken Skyler, and his gaze softened. Wow, he must actually care about her a lot! I've never seen him like this... I watched as Hau moved aside so Gladion could sit next to Skyler. It was a good idea. Gladion could relate the most to her. "You okay?" he asked quietly. She nodded. "I know how you feel." he said. Skyler turned to him, a slight smile on her face. Then, as if she didn't know what she was doing, she let her head rest on his shoulder, he tensed and turned slightly red, then relaxed. He shrugged to me with his other arm, as if to ask, "Am I doing okay?" I gave him the thumbs up and giggled. "Yep. This ship has sailed!" I said so no one would hear.

(A/n): Again, art with nothing to do with the chapter...Sorry, there is really no picture to fit. But I've always loved this one so... Enjoy! -Lavender :3

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