Chapter Fifteen

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Skyler's POV

I ran outside, Nyx scurrying behind me, and headed in the direction of the Wela Volcano Park. All of the trials had been different so far, and I wondered what this one would be like.

Stopping for a drink of water, I heard a noise behind me. "Yo, kid, gimme your Pokemon!" I spun around, but not fast enough. They pushed me hard to the ground, and my eyes watered at the pain as my leg hit a large rock on the side of the trail. I tried to move but I was frozen. I closed my eyes, hearing the Team Skull grunt rummaging in my bag for pokeballs. Ha, I thought. Too bad I keep all my pokeballs in my pockets. Nyx was pawing at me, trying to get me up.

Hovering on the edge of consciousness, I opened my eyes as I heard a voice scream my name. I was really in too much pain to care. My vision faded, and I knew nothing after that.

I woke up to find myself in a comfortable hospital bed. My leg was bandaged smoothly, and as I gazed around the room, I saw Nyx standing at the side of the bed, meowing. A nurse walked in. "Oh! You're awake! Would you like me to get your friends? They're waiting outside." I nodded. She turned and opened the door, waving her hand to beckon my friends in. Lillie and Hau walked in, and rushed over. Then Gladion. "Hey," he said. I grinned. Lillie looked at the two of us. "Well, how are you feeling? The nurse told us you seriously fractured your shin." I shrugged as best I could. "Been worse." Hau was reaching in his bag. "I have something for you!" I laughed. "Oh wait, let me guess, a malasada?" Hau gasped. "How'd you know?" We both started laughing at this point, then I gratefully took the malasada from his hand and started munching on it.

It had been a few minutes and quite a few questions had popped into my head. "Guys? How did I get here? Who found me?" Gladion looked up at me. He had been previously doing something on his phone. "It was me." I smiled. "So you screamed my name..." He turned red. "Umm..." Lillie and Hau exchanged a glance. "Really?" Lillie asked her brother. "Yeah, well, you would've done that too if you had seen her!" he said defensively. "Geez, Gladion!" Hau said, clearly on the verge of laughter. But Lillie was curious. "What happened, Gladion? No one's told us yet." Gladion's face had returned to normal, and he began to talk. "Well, I was just out for a walk, and I was close to the volcano, and I saw Skyler on the ground with her leg bleeding. Then to the side of her a Team Skull grunt was going through her bag. So I ran over and punched the guy, grabbed her bag and called 911. She was unconscious by that time." He paused. "I carried her over into the grass on the side to wait." Lillie looked like she was thinking. "And all this on her birthday..." I looked at her sharply. "You didn't have anything planned, did you?" She shook her head. "Not at all."

Lillie turned to Hau and whispered something. He smiled and got up from his seat. "Sorry guys, we have to go. We'll be back later!" They walked out the door, and Gladion looked up from his phone. I had an idea. "Hey, Gladion! Come closer!" He did as I asked, and as soon as he got close enough I brushed the hair away that was covering his eye. "There! You look better that way!" He really did, with both brilliant green eyes unobscured. I heard little noises at my side and I knew Nyx was laughing. I laughed too, because I noticed Gladion was turning red again. "I enjoy making you go red," I said jokingly. "Hmph!" was his only reply.

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