Chapter Twenty Four

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Skyler's POV

I had been locking myself away from Gladion for quite a while now. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't mad. I just didn't know what I would say when I had to talk to him. I sighed, and let my face fall onto the pillow. I had just eaten lunch, though I hadn't been relatively hungry. The remainders were sitting on my table. I was about to get up and take another bite when I heard a knock at my door. I tiptoed to the door and looked the the peep-hole. It was Gladion. I began to twirl a strand of my hair around nervously. I was wondering what to do when I backed into the table, knocking a glass over. Shoot! Now he knows I'm here! "Skyler," Gladion called softly from the other side of the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Seeing his face again broke me. Tears fell down my face, one after another. He stood there in shock for a few moments, then pulled me cautiously into a hug. I hugged him back. "I won't ever do that to you again," he whispered. I couldn't reply, so I just nodded. He smiled at me and released me from the hug. He went to go sit on the windowsill. I pulled myself up next to him. "So..." I began. He looked away. "I'm sorry about what happened...I really didn't mean anything I said...And I should've told you about Team Skull earlier..." I smiled. "That's all I need." I moved closer, leaning on him. He didn't tense up this time, but instead just smiled.

Me and Gladion were munching up the remains of my lunch. "So how are your Pokemon doing?" he asked me while finishing off a piece of chicken. "Well, how about you see them yourself?" I gathered their pokeballs from my bag and threw them all out. Blaze meowed and ran up to Gladion. The fire cat licked Gladion, it's bell-like flame sac swaying under his neck. Gladion smiled and rubbed his head. Nyx growled softly, pawing at Gladion's pocket. Gladion shook his head. "Those aren't for you! I'm sure Skyler can give you some, though." I gave him a questioning look. "What's in your pocket?" He smiled. "Just some pokebeans. I was saving them for Null, but Nyx wants some apparently." I nodded and rummaged around in my bag. I threw him one of his favorite type of pokebeans. "Here you go, Nyx!" Nyx leaped up and grabbed it from the air. I watched as Nyx ate it up.

I looked and Gladion. He seemed so...peaceful. He glanced up, and met my gaze. I smiled and reached over, brushing the hair away from his face. Blue eyes met green. He grinned. "Go look at yourself!" I said, shoving him off the windowsill and towards the mirror. He resisted me, and soon it wasn't even about the mirror anymore. We were just shoving each other aimlessly with all our might. Try as I could, Gladion won. He pushed me onto the bed and flopped down next to me panting. "Good effort. But I always win." I shook my head. "That's not true," I said. "What about that time we first bat-" He cut me off. "I won that battle, obviously." I laughed. "Yeah, sure." I shook my head at him. He smiled, and reached over to grab my hand. It felt strange at first, but it was also nice. I closed my eyes and relaxed. "Gladion?" I asked. "Yeah?" My eyes were still closed. "Why'd you do that?" He didn't reply. I was about to speak again, but he interrupted me. "Because...because I..." I squeezed his hand to show I understood. He sat up. "I've got to go, sorry." I nodded. He fixed his hair back and began towards the door. "Bye!" I called after him as went through the door.

A Shadowed Heart - Pokemon Sun and Moon Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora