Chapter Three

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"Come on, Nyx." I said, looking over my shoulder to make sure that Gladion boy didn't come back. Nyx meowed, and I smiled down at him. He had been a gift from my father who was currently in Kalos.

I entered my house, ran to my room, and crawled into my bed. I had hung covers over it like a tent so I could have a warm shadowed place to relax.

Nyx climbed in next to me. I released Litten and sprayed it with some potion. I got another potion for Nyx. They both meowed happily, and I fed them both some pokebeans. I adored cat Pokemon, which is the reason my dad got me Nyx.

I sighed. This place was the only place I could relax and think, without being edgy all the time. But Hau and Lillie also bring out the other side in me. I smiled thinking about my friends.

But sometimes I'd like to relate to someone like myself. Like Gladion... I thought. Maybe I'll see if I can find him tomorrow. Who knows, maybe we can be friends.

But then I wondered why I thought that, because he had been annoying from the start. Well, I suppose I was pretty rude though. I soon drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I heard someone knock on the door. My mom was still asleep, so I got up to see who it was. I opened the door, to find Gladion standing there. "Oh my God!" I yelled, but surprisingly my mom didn't wake up. "How do you know my address!? Are you really a stalker!?"

I saw him smirk. "No, Lillie told me." I froze. "You know Lillie?" He sighed. "I'm her brother." I nodded, seeing the resemblance. "So why are you here?" I asked in suspicion. "I would like to meet you at the cafe in Hau'oli. At five."

I stood there, shocked. "Uhh, sure, I guess..." I muttered. "Thanks," he said, and walked away.

A Shadowed Heart - Pokemon Sun and Moon Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now