Chapter Twenty Five

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Lillie's POV

I smiled as Skyler began recounting when Gladion came to visit. "He's actually a nice person, you know? I think he's just lonely." I nodded. "I know that better than anyone else." Skyler nodded, then spoke softly. "I wish he could be nice more often..." Her blue eyes had a dreamy, far away look. "Ooh! You're in love!" She looked at me, but I saw no denial. "I thought you knew that already? I just need him to love me back." I smiled. "I can help with that..." I was going to send them on a date! Matchmaker Lillie here!

--Time skip to a day later, brought to you by the edgelord himself--

I was helping Skyler get ready. I had shown her a beautiful blue dress that accented her curves perfectly, but she didn't want it. She had been saying no to every dress I showed her. It was weird! What kind of girl doesn't wear dresses sometime? I was sighing while she was getting excited over ripped jeans and Umbreon hoodies. "Skyler, you're going on a date! You don't wear ripped jeans to a date!" She ignored me and kept walking down the aisle looking at clothes. By the time I got to the end, she was gone. Then I caught a flash of brown hair as she went into the fitting room. "Guess I have to see what she chose," I muttered and leaned against the wall to wait.

When Skyler came out, I was a tiny bit stunned. She was wearing purely black ripped skinny jeans with a silver star on the right thigh. Her shirt was a grey that changed into a lighter shade as it got closer to the bottom. She was wearing a thin black jacket over that. She wore some extremely dark gray boots. It wasn't my style, but it was definitely hers. Sometimes I didn't understand the strange fashion sense she and my brother had, but oh well. "Okay, I guess you can wear that. Let's pay for it and go do your hair."

Skyler was standing in front of a mirror, fiddling with her dark hair. She had brushed most of it back, except a bit that she let hang over her shoulder, almost covering her eye. She looked pretty good like that, in an edgy way. "The edgelord and edgelady," I said, just so Skyler could hear me. She turned to me and punched me playfully. "Yeah, sure," she said, giving her hair a final brush. She gazed in the mirror and decided to wear some dark blue earrings. They matched her eyes. She stood still, then turned to face me. "Okay, I'm ready." I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Good. Let's go!" I was planning on taking them to meet at the place they first met. That park. I was surprised I could even get Gladion to agree. I mean, he was a little reluctant, but I got through to him. Eventually. I pulled Skyler out the door. She closed it behind her and we walked over to the park.

Gladion's POV

I could see Skyler and Lillie in the distance, but I didn't move. I hadn't made any serious changes to my outfit, but as they got closer, I saw Skyler definitely had. She was beautiful. She saw me too, and Lillie stopped walking and let Skyler come over on her own. She was smiling, and my heart started beating two times faster. "Umm, hi!" she said, sitting next to me. I was still silent. ", look really good!" I said. She laughed, blue eyes twinkling as much as her jeweled earrings. "You don't have to be nervous! Just act normal!" The daylight was already quickly and quietly fading, the sky turning darker and darker. I leaned back and stared up at the sky.

The first star popped out into the black night sky. Skyler would be pretty much invisible if not for those earrings. She briefly closed her eyes. I guessed she was wishing for something. "What did you wish for?" I asked. "I can't tell you! Not yet, anyway..." she murmured. I smiled. "Sure," Skyler sat closer and I decided to wish for something too. I wish for Skyler to never have to suffer again. I also wish that Skyler and I can stay together forever. I sighed and relaxed. "So, I was just wondering...since this is where we had our first battle, maybe we could battle again?" She immediately perked up. "Sure!" She pulled me up and ran off to the opposite side.

Skyler's POV

I stood in battle position and smiled, throwing out my Alolan Meowth. He grinned and Null appeared. "Just watch, I'll beat you again!" I turned my gaze briefly towards him, eyes glinting with passion, and the turned back to the field. "Now, Meowth, use Fake Out!" Meowth did as I asked, getting a bit of damage in on the Type: Null, and also gaining a flinch. "Good, now use Bite!" Meowth ran up and sank its sharp little teeth into Null's foreleg. Null tried to shake the cat off but failed as Meowth didn't relent. I smiled. I glanced up at Gladion, who was gazing at the field in shock. Null was growling and shook it's leg as hard as possible. Meowth was flung off and landed roughly on the ground. "Hmm...thought cats always landed on their feet?" Gladion snickered. "Oh, I'll get you for that!" I said. "Go, Nyx!" I threw the little psychic cat onto the battlefield, returning Meowth. "Go, use Dark Pulse!" But Null was on its guard, twisting every which way to face him. Nyx needs to go faster! I thought. As if he had read my mind, Nyx began darting around, confusing the synthetic Pokemon. "Whoa..." I murmured. Use Dark Pulse, then! I was testing this reading my mind theory. Nyx obeyed and attacked Null. My eyes widened. "Awesome!" I shouted aloud. Gladion gave me an inquiring look, and I grinned. "Umm...Skyler, why is Nyx just attacking without command?" I shook my head. "It does have commands. But they're in my head." Gladion just looked confused, so I continued battling.

Null was somehow still standing...He must have done some serious training to withstand all of this...but not for long! "Nyx, use Psychic! Full power!" Nyx's ears unfolded. The patterns on the interior of its ears began to glow. I had read something about this in the Pokedex: "When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck to dust." I grinned. Then I felt something strange overtake me. It was extreme adrenaline rush, but WAY more extreme. Gladion looked really amazed at this point, but then a flash happened, and for all I knew, Type: Null just fainted on the spot. I fell onto my back in the grass, relishing the coolness after the exhausting whatever-that-was.

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