Chapter Two

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Gladion's POV

The girl glared at me in determination, and flipped off her hood. "Bring it on!' she said as her hair fell down onto her back. "But if you lose, you leave me alone." I nodded, a grin on his face. You know, she's kind of cu- No, stop it Gladion! I thought to myself.

And the battle began. "Go, Null!" I yelled, and sent out my strange-looking pokemon. I saw the girl stare in awe, and saw her mutter something. She then sent out a Meowstic. It matched her nicely. Stop thinking like that and battle!

"Null, use Crush Claw!" It raced up to the Meowstic, and right at the last moment, when it was about to hit, the girl yelled, "Dodge, and use Psychic!" He watched Null get lifted up and then hit on the ground. "Now, Nyx, use Thunder Wave!" she called while Null was struggling to get up.

I stared as Null froze, unable to move due to paralysis. "Good, use Zen Headbutt!" she called. The Meowstic, apparently named Nyx, ran at Null, and attacked.

Null fainted after that, and I growled. The girl grinned in satisfaction, and called over to me. "I suppose you should get going now!" I returned Null to it's pokeball, and began to walk away. Then I turned around. "What's your name?" She hesitated for a second."Skyler. Yours?" "Gladion."

A Shadowed Heart - Pokemon Sun and Moon Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora