Chapter Eight

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Lillie's POV

I knocked on Skyler's window, as I didn't want her mom to know I was here. As she rose to open it after seeing it was me I climbed in. "Lillie...Why did you just come in through the window?" I shook my head. "That doesn't matter. Gladion was saying you like to sing. So maybe you'd like to sing at the festival in Iki Town tomorrow?" Skyler hesitated, I could tell. "Umm, you see, I like singing on my own..." she murmured softly.

But then she brightened. "Oh! The reminds me, my birthday is in two days! I suppose I have two things to look forward to this week," she said, smiling. I froze. "IN TWO DAYS!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT BEFORE!?" Skyler winced. "Calm down, Lillie. It's not that big of a dea-" I stared in shock. "It is a big deal!" Then I noticed a bracelet on her wrist which wasn't there before. "Who gave you that?" I asked curiously. "My dad. He's lives in Kalos." Skyler brought Nyx out. "Nyx here was a gift from him, as normally you don't find them in Alola. He knows I adore cat Pokemon!" For a second Skyler looked genuinely happy.

Then her smile faded. "I never really celebrated my birthday. I never really had anyone to celebrate with." She shrugged it off. "But my dad gets me a gift every year, so I look forward to it." I nodded slowly. "Well, how about we combine your birthday party with the festival? It would be nice! I'm sure Kahuna Hala can arrange it!" But Skyler shook her head no. "No thanks, I'd prefer something quiet. Maybe just my friends and me." I sighed.

"Okay, fine." I huffed, making Skyler laugh.

She may have said no to every idea I had, but I still have a surprise in mind...

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