Chapter Twenty Three

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                                              Gladion's POV

I turned away as Skyler left as fast as possible. She was sobbing. I glared at the wall. I know I did this, and I could blame nobody but myself, but she had been there. I had taken out my frustrations on her, and now she knew about my being in Team Skull. I was so impulsive, and now I just gave away my secret to Skyler. Who knows what she'll do now?

I turned and flopped onto my bed after locking the door. I felt tears begin to trickle down my face. I didn't bother to try and stop. I buried my face in my pillow, and a sob racked my body. I was so stupid sometimes. The shock of what I had just done hit me. I had probably just lost a friend. I sat up. I hated myself right now. I wiped my face with the sleeve of my hoodie. I rose from the bed, and pulled out some snacks from the mini-fridge. Just this morning me and Skyler had been good friends. I guess. She had hugged me. And now we're on extremely bad terms. And it's my fault. I shook my head and sighed. "I always mess up everything," I muttered to myself.

                                                Skyler's POV

I sighed softly as I sat on my bed. "I knew it wouldn't work out. Now we're not even friends." But something in my mind told me I shouldn't care. "It's not my fault he had to join Team Skull." I said. I needed to talk to someone. Lillie was the best option. She would understand her brother more. Maybe she'd explain why he was acting this way. I pulled out my phone slowly, and sent her a text.

Skyler: Hey, Lillie.

Lillie: Hey! Has something serious happened? You're using correct grammar.

Skyler: T^T Yes, something has happened. Gladion just...I don't even know what he did!

Lillie: Oh... What did he do?

Skyler: I think it would be better if you came up to my room. It's a long story.

Lillie: Okay, sure. Be there in a minute.

Skyler: Thanks.

I waited for a bit until I heard a knock on my door. I opened and found Lillie. She hugged me, then I led her over to the bed. I sat back in my spot, and she sat next to me. "So tell me what happened." I nodded. "Gladion's motel was on the way to Lush Jungle, so I stopped there to say hi. I knocked on the door but he didn't answer." I paused, and took a breath to calm myself. "I opened the door since it was unlocked, and Gladion was whispering on the phone to someone else. I think he was talking about me..." Lillie's eyes looked questioning. "It'll come up later in the story. Anyways, That's when he saw me, and he told me to get out. And I started to back up towards the door, but it was closed." Tears began to roll down my face again. "And he said that it's my fault is life is so complicated. I was reaching for the doorknob behind me, but I still couldn't get it, and I asked him what he meant. And he showed me texts from some Guzma guy. I guess he's the leader of Team Skull...They want me on their side, because they think I'm such a strong trainer. But Gladion is working for Team Skull!" Lillie rubbed my back. "I already knew that part." I turned, shocked. "B-but how?" Lillie smiled gently. Ever since Gladion and I had run away from home, he had been working for Team Skull. He thought they were working against our mother." By this point I was really confused. "You ran away from home?" Lillie nodded. "Yeah, but that's a story for another time. I'm going to go knock some sense into Gladion before he ruins someone else's day." I wiped the tears off my face. "Go ahead. Tell me what happens, okay?" Lillie gave me her signature gentle smile, and nodded. "Of course. See you later!" And with that, she walked out the door.

                                                          Gladion's POV

I was just laying on my bed, thinking about how I could make anything worse than it already was, when I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I called. "It's your sister, Lillie!" I got up and walked to the door. I opened it, and sure enough my sister was at the door. "What do you want?" I asked her bitterly. "We need to talk." I felt worry wiggle in the pit of my stomach. Skyler must have told her what happened.

We sat on the bed together. "So, apparently you and Skyler are having some relationship trouble." she began. I was going to say we weren't in a relationship, but I didn't feel like arguing at the moment. I turned my head so all she could see was my hair shadowing my face. "You were kind of mean to her, you know. She was only coming by to say hi." I felt tears form in my eyes. "Yes, I know! It's all my fault! I mess everything up! I'm not even worthy of friends!" She seemed shocked at my self-hatred. She put a hand on my shoulder. "You know that's not true..." I shook my head. "Don't try and make me feel better. I know I shouldn't have done all that, but she was just there, someone to take my frustration out on. I didn't mean a word that I said, and now she probably hates me." I held back my tears. "She doesn't hate you, I promise. She just needs some recovery time, don't worry." I stayed silent. She gave me a hug then rose from the bed. "Bye, brother." I only nodded, and watched from beneath my veil of hair as she left the motel room, locking the door behind her. I flopped onto my back and thought about everything I had done today.

                                                       Skyler's POV

Lillie had stopped by on the way to my room and told me everything Gladion had said. I felt so much better now. Lillie had told me how he believed everything went wrong because of him. How he said he didn't deserve friends. He hated himself. I felt like that sometimes, but i always came back in the end. But Gladion was another story. I thought about how Lillie had said that he was worried about me hating him. Even though I was mad, I could never hate him. I felt a warm feeling stir inside of me. Gladion cared about what I thought of him. I still didn't want to see him though. Not yet, anyways.

I was eating some snacks from my bag when Nyx popped out of his pokeball all of a sudden. He then ripped the bag of chips from my hand and began munching. "Hey, give me those!" I went as fast as I could, but Nyx always got out of my reach, still munching away.

I flopped onto my bed, breathing hard and laughing. Nyx finally handed me the chip bag, but I looked in to find it was empty. Not a single crumb. "Seriously?" I said, still laughing. I had nearly forgotten about Gladion. Nearly. I shook my head and looked in the mirror. My blue eyes glittered in the light. I smiled. I was going to do something I would forever regret in a few days. Yep.

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