Chapter Ten

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                                                              Gladion's POV

I was on a ferry to Akala, to get to my motel. My phone vibrated. It was Guzma. I ignored it. Skyler was lingering on my mind. What is up with her? She likes edgy, depressing songs, hates talking, and generally is annoyed or blank. That's when I realized: I'm like that. "Heh," I said aloud.

Null was lying at my feet, and I dropped a pokebean down for him. He ate it quickly, and I looked out at the open sea. Then I saw Akala island ahead of me.

I quickly got off at the docks, and started heading for Route 8. I didn't feel like encountering any wild Pokemon, so I sprayed a Repel for the time being.

Entering my motel room, I threw my jacket onto a chair, and fell into my bed. I need to focus on stopping my mother with her Ultra Beast craze...But not now. Than my phone rang again. Guzma. Annoyed, I answered. "Hey yo, it's ya boi!" was the first thing I heard. I groaned. "What do you want?" I asked roughly. A pause. "I need you to go and stop a trainer for me. She's showing a lot of potential. To potentially beat us!" I sighed. "I've been watching. She beat Melemele's Grand Trial easily. I need you to get her on our side." I immediately hung up after that. I already guessed who that trainer was. Skyler. I honestly didn't care what Guzma wanted. Skyler doesn't deserve my fate.

I then asked myself: Why do I even care what Skyler has to go through? I sighed. Null whined, trying to see if I was okay. "I smiled slightly at him, and rubbed his back. I ran my hand over the control mask hiding it's face. "I'm gonna find some way to get that off of you, buddy. Promise." His eyes shone beneath the helmet-like contraption, and I could tell it was happy.

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