Chapter Twenty Nine

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Skyler's POV

Grinning, I ran into the Tide Song, not even bothering with the elevator. I felt pretty energized about my win, so I decided to take the stairs. I only need to go up one floor anyway, so it wasn't that much of an accomplishment, hah.

I strolled down the hall, pulled my keycard out my bag, slid it into the sensor, and watched the light flash green. I opened the door, dropping my bag on the ground and falling onto the bed.

That was a really eventful trial, but also a really awesome one. Well, everything except the Parasect was awesome. I generally loved all Pokemon, but Parasect would never stop being creepy. Sighing, I pulled out my phone in order to distract myself from the bug Pokemon. I guess I'll text Lillie now.

Skyler: Hi Lils

A couple of minutes passed in waiting, then my phone buzzed.

Lillie: Hi!

Skyler: You wanna go get malasada

Lillie: Sure :)

Skyler: Text Hau and the edgelord too

Lillie: Which malasada shop?

Skyler: Royal Avenue

Lillie: Got it. See you there!

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, patting my pockets just to double check that I still had all my pokemon. Satisfied, I picked up my bag again and walked out the door. I could leave it here, but it would feel really unnatural to not have it, and, you never know, I might need it.

I pulled one two pokeballs out and released Nyx and Blaze. I wouldn't be able to release all my Pokemon inside the malasada shop, and they were the most deserving of a nice treat, for helping me out during the trial. I would buy some extra take-out malasadas for my other Pokemon.

I'd never taken my shoes off or anything, so I really just walked out the door. I'd only actually been in the room for around ten minutes. Nyx and Blaze trotted happily at my side as I walked down the hall to the stairway.

I walked down the stairs, taking two at a time, emerging in the lobby a minute later. I waved at the receptionist and slipped out the large doors.

Once I got outside, I had a decision to make. I could walk to Royal Avenue, or I could page Charizard. It wouldn't take all that long to walk, and I could spend some time with my Pokemon if I walked. Nodding to myself, I looked down at the two cat Pokemon near my feet.

"Come on, let's go." The two Pokemon mrowled happily and started following me as I set off down the street. I'd just need to walk up Route 6 to get there. I took my time. Nyx kept wanting to play in the tall grasses, so I let him. I didn't end up going in them myself, since, inevitably, that would end in a Pokemon battle, which I didn't really have the time to get into right now.

When we finally turned onto Royal Avenue, I saw Lillie, Hau, and Gladion waiting for us there. I waved at them all with a grin, Nyx and Blaze immediately running up to greet everyone as well. We all started to walk off to the malasada shop.

"How did Mallow's trial go?" Hau asked excitedly.

"It was great," I responded. "I've got a new Z-Crystal now."

Hau grinned at me, and Lillie raised her hand up for a high-five. I happily obliged. It felt good to be hanging out with everyone.

I gave a bit of a start when I felt a warm hand slip into mine, just before we entered the shop. I looked down and realized it was Gladion's. Ignoring the sounds of Lillie squealing in the background, I glanced up to meet Gladion's eyes, smiling. He was finally warming up, I see.

I squeezed his hand as we walked in the door of the shop. We all sat down at one of the window booths, me and Gladion on one side, Lillie and Hau on the other. Nyx and Blaze were playing with my shoelaces under the table (I didn't mind). I smirked for a moment, thinking about how this looked so much like a double date. I wouldn't tell Lillie that, though. I also definitely wouldn't tell Gladion. If Hau so much as looked at Lillie in the wrong way, Gladion would probably kill him.

I couldn't resist laughing a little, and Lillie looked at me. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing."

At that moment, our server came up. We all just let Hau order for us, since he's the self-proclaimed malasada expert. When that was finished, we started to talk. Well, Hau, Gladion, and I started to talk. Lillie was busy bending under the table to play with my Pokemon.

"So, tell me about the trial," Gladion said. Hau's eyes widened. "Oh, shoot. Is Gladion actually speaking?" I snickered as Gladion reddened, probably embarrassed. However, even though this was funny, I didn't want Gladion destroying Hau.

"Well, the trial was pretty interesting," I said, trying to distract the two boys. "It was like a big scavenger hunt. I probably shouldn't say anything, though. That would ruin the surprise for you, Hau."

Hau nodded. "Yeah, I want to see for myself!" I rolled my eyes at his excitement, even though it was a little endearing. Lillie was sitting up again, and she was smiling fondly at Hau. I fought a grin at the ideas. I didn't want to see things that weren't there, but...

Wow. Hanging out with Matchmaker Lillie has definitely messed with my head. Blinking, I mentally shook myself, returning to the conversation at hand. That's when I realized I had a question.

"Hey, Gladion?"


"Why don't you take the Island Challenge?"

He didn't respond for a moment. Then he shrugged. "I'm just not interested." My gaze drifted across to the other side of the table. Lillie was watching Gladion with a strangely analyzing expression, which was really unlike her. It gave me the feeling that this wasn't some sort of light conversation topic, so I didn't press him.

I couldn't help but wonder, though. Even if he worked with Team Skull, what would stop him? Surely he'd have time, if he can be here with us right now. I'd ask him later, in private.

Now, though... Our malasada was here!

A/n: Hi, guys! This story is back! Sorry if there are any discrepancies, but I'm sort of getting back into everything, you know?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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