Chapter Sixteen

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                                                           Hau's POV

I snickered as we watched Skyler and Gladion. We had done a video chat between me and Lillie's phones, and left Lillie's phone inside, so we could see and hear everything. Lillie was grinning mischievously, and we watched Gladion get up from his corner seat. Skyler reached up quickly and brushed the hair away from his eye. Gladion was red as a Cheri Berry!

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing, and quickly covered my mouth. Gladion's gaze darted toward the door, but he didn't move. "I think it's time for Matchmaker Lillie!" Lillie whispered beside me. "We need a plan," I whispered back. She nodded thoughtfully. "Also, we need to get her birthday party ready for when she can leave here!" I nodded excitedly. I glanced back at my phone. The screen was black. I looked through the window in the door, and saw Gladion holding Lillie's phone, his hair back to normal.

Me and Lillie scrambled to our feet and tried to act as if we were just coming back. Gladion had opened the door. He held the phone up. "What was this about?" he said with a death glare. Lillie spoke first. "Oh nothing, we just saw you and Skyler together. She's right, you look better that way!" Gladion blushed. He turned away. "Sneaky little spies..." I heard him mutter.

Me and Lillie entered, to find Skyler giving us a death glare just as bad as Gladion's, maybe even worse. "You're right, they are a good match," I murmured to Lillie. She giggled. Gladion turned quickly. "What was that?" he said in a voice that went perfect with his death glare. I flinched. "Nothing, nothing." I grabbed a big malasada out my bag and began to eat. At this, Skyler dropped her death glare and laughed. "Always with the malasada, always!" I grinned and decided to give her half, just because it's her birthday and I am very generous. "Thanks!" she mumbled through a mouthful of malasada goodness.

We still had a good portion of the day left, but we couldn't really do anything because of Skyler's leg. But apparently Lillie had an idea, so I just went along with her. "We can ask for a wheelchair!" Then she added something so only I could hear. "Then we make Gladion push it! Oh, I have the perfect ship name!" I grinned. "What?" She took a deep breath to add suspense, then spoke. "Skyion!" I nodded enthusiastically. (Okay, people, WARNING! FOURTH WALL ABOUT TO BE BROKEN) "Ok, everyone in the comments needs to say #Skyion, just for shipping sake!" Lillie gasped. "OMG, Hau, YOU BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!" I grinned. "Well, author Lavender doesn't care, so..." Lillie facepalms. "Now we need to fix it! Okay, I'll get the bricks, you get the glue and tape! Hurry!" Gladion and Skyler were just silent. They just stared at me like I was crazy. Welp, I broke the fourth wall. I suppose I'll get the glue and tape like Lillie said...

(A/n): Ok, don't blame me for the fourth wall break. It was Hau's fault. And Hau, for your information, I really do......n't care care about you breaking the fourth wall. Enjoy! -Lavender :3

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