Chapter Eighteen

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Skyler's POV

I gazed at my phone carefully, before opening up my texts. I needed to talk with Lillie. This is the best way right now, so the boys will never know.

Skyler: Hey Lils ^^ Got a problem, girl stuff, don't let Hau see your phone

Lillie: Sure. What's going on?

Skyler: Something is wrong with me...I think it's because of your brother

Lillie: Oooh, don't tell me, you like him!

Skyler: No way! It's just...I feel weird around him...

Lillie: Uh huh...I believe you. Well we already have a cute ship name for you two! Skyion!

Skyler: Fine...But even if I like him, he probably won't feel the same way, so...

At this point, the boys were getting interested in the buzzing from our phones. Hau was trying to peek at Lillie's screen, and succeeded for a second. That one glance was enough. He saw it. He stared at me, grinning. I flinched and hid my red face under the covers. Gladion was watching. "What's going on?" I didn't move. I heard Hau speak. "Nothing, nothing..." he said. "Then why is Skyler hiding?" he asked, suspicious. Hau was silent. "I guess I shouldn't have seen that..." he murmured. "Seen what?" Gladion inquired. I uncovered my face and sat up. "Nothing!" I spat, annoyed. "Everyone out!" I immediately regretted my harshness. Everyone exchanged shocked looks, and filed out.

Tears were falling down my face. That was rude of me. Just my old self, back to torture me. I tried to be nice, but maybe I just don't have it in me. "I don't deserve those friends anyway," I muttered roughly to myself. My phone vibrated as I got a text. It was from Lillie, asking if I was okay. I ignored it, and let myself drift into an uncomfortable sleep.

When I woke up, it was 5:34. I just ordered room service. I didn't want to leave my room, but I would have to go back to the hospital tomorrow. I decided I would just push myself. I didn't need them anyway. I wanted to scold myself for thinking that way, but I couldn't. It almost felt right, doing this. But Gladion lingered on my mind. I pushed the thought of him away and began to eat slowly.

I had finished eating, and was just turning the TV on. It was playing some show about malasada. I groaned, "This is always on!" I switched it off and just laid back. I decided I would practice wheeling myself around for tomorrow. I hung my good leg over the bed and onto the floor. Then my injured one. I put some pressure on it, and gave a screech of pain. I fell into the wheelchair, still wincing. I began rolling back and forth across the room, making sure not to crash into the table or anything.

Once I got back in the bed I was sleepy again, and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I felt the warmth of Nyx snuggling next to me as I closed my eyes and my breathing slowed.

Someone was nudging me, and my eyes opened to see Nyx in my face. "Alright, I'm up," I muttered. Yawning I checked the time. Almost seven. I could eat at the hospital, so I could leave early and hopefully not meet anyone.I was about to get into my wheelchair something lifted me up. It was Nyx, using Psychic.I was lowered carefully into the wheelchair, and Nyx opened the door. "Thanks," I said, rubbing his head.

I wheeled myself into the hospital and the nurse that was taking care of me saw me and waved me over. She began to push me to my room. "So today," she began. "We're going to let you try out crutches." I nodded. "If it doesn't work for you, you can keep using the wheelchair." We entered the room, and Nyx lifted me and sat me on the bed. The nurse smiled at him, and then turned to me. "So, I'm going to unwrap your leg to check there is no infection, then give it a proper cast." I nodded. She cut through some of the bandage, then pulled the rest off. There was a long scar there, and I was shocked. I hadn't actually seen my injury until now. The nurse watched my expression, then continued checking the wound.

With cast on, I was walking around the room in my new crutches. It was kind of fun actually. Then i heard a knock on the door. "Miss, Skyler? There are visitors here!" I didn't go up to the door. "Sorry, I kind of just want to relax..." I said, making up an excuse. The nurse nodded. "I'm sorry, Miss Skyler is busy now," she said to my friends. I sat on the edge of my bed as the door closed. Why didn't I let them in? Now I'm alone with nothing to do. But then what I had thought yesterday flashed back to me. I didn't need them anyway. A tear rolled down my cheek, but only one. I turned to the window, and just happened to see my friends down below, walking away. They don't need me...

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