Chapter Eleven

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                                                            Lillie's POV

Skyler was smiling, running over to me, Hau, and Professor Kukui. We were waiting for her at the festival. It was morning, and the air was relatively cool. We were leaving for Akala at four o'clock. "Hey!" she called as she neared. "I'm didn't miss anything, did I?" I shook my head. "No, you're fine!" She smiled slightly. "So what's first?" she asked. Hau grinned beside me. "How about some snacks? I'm starving!" I laughed. "Of course, Hau. Of course." Hau put his hands behind his head. "Well, my gramps made some malasadas, might as well eat them!"

After eating, it was decided that Skyler and Hau would have a battle. Skyler sent out Nyx, and Hau sent out a Pichu. I winced as I watched the Pichu take a bad hit from Nyx, while Nyx barely took damage due to it's higher level. It fainted, and Hau sent out Rowlet. Skyler switched out to Blaze, and used Fire Fang. It was super effective, and I turned away at that. I couldn't watch Pokemon get hurt in battle.

Time flew by, until it was time to leave. We all said goodbye to everyone, and Professor Kukui led us to his boat. "It looks quite old," I stated. Professor Kukui turned to me. "Hey now! Don't you go calling my boat old! She's not old... Call her a classic. Well seasoned, yeah?" I smiled. "I quite like that it has a sense of history..." Hau laughed. "Oh yeah! Time to sail away. Woo!"

I stood at the front of the boat my hair flying in the breeze. My hat was threatening to fall off. "If we push the boat much harder than this, we may all end up at the bottom of the ocean." Skyler grinned. "Nah, you're just worried about your hat," she said. "Hmph!" I pouted jokingly.

We soon arrived at Akala Island. Hau hopped off, and called, "Land ahoy!" I laughed. "The land is certainly ahoy, oh boy!" Professor Kukui announced. "Isn't it a bit late to declare "land ahoy" after you've already arrived onshore?" I shook my head at their silliness. "Well, I think I'll be doing some shopping. I should also find out about the ruins for Nebby's sake, too...Oh, Skyler!" She turned to me. She had been previously staring out at the sea. "Y-yes?" she asked. She seemed to have been daydreaming. "I wondered if you'd like to come with us when we go to visit the ruins... I mean...little Nebby here seems to like you quite a bit, Skyler... I'll be at Tide Song Hotel if you decide you want to come. I'm supposed to be meeting someone there... Someone very important to me..." Skyler looked at me. "Sure you won't get lost?" she inquired. "I'll be alright. I can see the building from here, after all. Even I shouldn't be able to lose my way. I think." Nebby squirmed in the bag. "And you! I'll have you stay in your bag, mister."

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