Chapter Twenty

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(A/n): This is going to be a split POV chapter between Skyler and Gladion!

Skyler's POV

I relaxed, letting my head fall on Gladion's shoulder. This felt so...right. He understood me. I could feel him tense, but he relaxed soon enough. I still had a small smile on my face. I closed my eyes and sighed. Then, feeling better I sat straight up again. "You know, I already told Lils I was sorry, so I guess I should apologize to you..." Hau shook his head. "No, it's fine. We know you didn't mean it. It was kinda my fault anyway for not minding my own business, heh." Then he brightened. "But that's in the past so...who wants malasada?" I laughed. "Do you have like, an infinite supply or something?" He grinned, pulling malasadas out of his bag. Everyone began to happily munch down on them. Except Gladion of course. I don't think he's ever really happy!

Everyone had finished their malasadas, and now we were just sitting in silence. I was getting bored I picked up my crutches and everyone's eyes were drawn to me as I rose. "The nurse gave me these today," I said, then started around the room on the crutches. Lillie smiled at me. "You're really good on those! And you say this is the first day you used them?" My gaze darkened. "Well, no...when I was 7, I broke my leg." Lillie looked at me kindly. "I can't really say anything to that...I've never really been injured before. At least, not that badly..." I smiled. "That's good. I hope you never do get injured."

Hau was grinning still, enjoying the moment. And Gladion was just silent and emotionless, because well, he's Gladion! I shook my head at him, and he glared at me. "What?" I giggled. "Wow, do you have like some multiple personality issue? You can change really fast!" He sighed, and I continued laughing.

Hau and Lillie had started talking and pointing between me and Gladion. They were smiling. "Oh, Lils, whatcha doing?" I asked sweetly. She looked startled. "Uhh..nothing." I shook my head. "Oh really?" I asked. "Then what is this?" I pulled her arm toward me. She was holding her phone, and I saw a picture of me and Gladion when I was leaning on him. I turned to Gladion, holding Lillie's arm up with the phone. "Did you know about this?" she asked. He shook his head, and he glared at Lillie and Hau. "Next time you do something like that...I will not hesitate to attack you." Hau grinned nervously, and Lillie squealed. "But the Skyion ship needs some desperate help!" Gladion rose from his seat on the bed. "We are not a thing, and we never will be!" His tone was menacing. I felt my heart shatter. But I pushed my sadness away. Gladion turned to look at me, and he instantly froze. He looked as if he didn't know what to say. He could probably tell I was sad. Curse this! I'm too easy to read! I gave the slightest nod to him, and he sat back down. My heart was still in pieces, but maybe he felt regret for what he said. I caught him glancing at me, and I tried to get him to understand I was fine.

Gladion's POV

I felt bad for what I said. I seemed to have hurt Skyler. I know what it's like to push emotions aside. But something in her blue eyes just told me I messed up. I've never cared about a girl as much as I care about Skyler. Other than Lillie of course. But Skyler is different. I guess, maybe, I'm in lo- Nope. This train of thoughts has come to a stop. I glanced at Skyler. She was fiddling with the bit of hair that spilled out her hood. But then I turned my thoughts to Lillie and Hau. "Skyion.." I muttered under my breath. Things are too complicated anyway. I work for Team Skull. I then remember what Guzma had told me to do. It seemed ages ago. I need you to get her on our side. I had told myself Skyler didn't deserve my fate. She really doesn't. She may have behaved like me in the past, but at least she tried to better herself. I just sank lower and joined this stupid gang. I growled. Skyler glanced over at me. "Sorry," I muttered. "Just thinking." She nodded, and resumed her careful watching of Lillie and Hau. They were nervous under her glare. "You're good at that," I told her. "Yeah, I had a lot of practice." She looked down and her hood shadowed her eyes, so I couldn't see them. "I used to do this all the time. I found it quite necessary when, you know..." I nodded. More similar than I would think. We both had no father, had a bad past. But then that's where our paths split. She went up, I went down. Oh well. I can only change the future.

--Time Skip until Skyler is out the hospital--

I gave a slight grin as I watched Skyler limp outside, blinking in the harsh sunlight. Her leg was almost healed, enough so she could walk, and they were releasing her, but she still had to visit. She had invited me to stay in the room as the nurse checked up on her leg one time, and I had seen the long, jagged scar that was hidden right now. I hadn't known she was that injured. But then again, the only things that really fell into my mind at the time I found her were: Skyler, injury, Team Skull, 911. I watched her limp over to me. "I'm going to go and set out to do what I was about to before this! And nothing is going to stop me this time!" I had to admire her determination. This was a major setback for her, and she's going to keep going has if nothing happened at all. I nodded. "Good luck." She smiles, eyes truly glowing for the first time since this happened. "Thanks," she said softly. She met my gaze intently, and then surprised me again. Skyler hugged me. I could feel my face heating up, and she blushed too. She turned away, and called over her shoulders. "Bye, everyone! See you later!" And with that she disappeared around a corner.

I felt kinda disappointed, actually. After I spent all these days with her, it's weird to just watch her go off on her own. I didn't realize I was staring after her. "Bet you miss her already, huh?" A voice whispered in my ear. Startled, I whipped around. "Lillie!" She stuck her tongue out at me. I sighed. I'm not even going to do anything.

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