Dreamland, Take Me There

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I was kidding myself when I thought I'd be able to get over the feelings I had for Nick. I started flirting with some of the guys at the gym, most of whom were fighters that I'd become friends with recently. Even with these new guys in my life, flirting back, it was still Nick Jonas who I dreamed about when I was sleeping. I hated waking up some mornings, because the dreams were so good & so vivid. Once in awhile, I'd forget something was actually in my dream & when I'd see Nick the next day, I'd feel like I should be blushing. Why did he have to look so hot, all the time?

Nick, however, seemed like he was over me, every time I saw him. The day after his blind date, I wanted to ask him about it, when I saw him at our last team meeting, before our tour started, but I didn't want to sound like I was jealous. I was glad he brought it up, as we were leaving the building that afternoon.

"My date last night was wearing the same shoes as you." He said laughing & shaking his head, like it was absurd that he could date a girl with similar taste to mine. 

"Really? She has great taste at least

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"Really? She has great taste at least. So how'd it go, anyway? Are you gonna see her again?" It hurt to try not to sound like I was even a teeny bit jealous.

Nick shrugged, scrunching up his mouth, in an adorable way. "It went okay for being a first date, I guess. She's a great girl. Very pretty. Smart. Really sweet but... I just didn't feel that spark. Plus she travels a lot for work & with my crazy schedule we both figured we shouldn't even bother with another date."

"Sorry to hear that." I smiled at him, trying to hide my internal happiness. 

"It happens. I'm too young to get serious anyway. I've got plenty of time, right?"

"Yep. You do. I do, too." I added, quickly.

We were at my car & Nick sighed. "Besides, I shouldn't start up anything before I'm about to go on tour for three months."

"That's true. We're going to have so much fun on this tour." I opened my car door. 

"Yes we are. And I'm glad we're doing this. I can't imagine going on tour in support of this album with anyone else. Your friendship helped me through last year, so I think it's only fitting."

"I was thinking the same thing. Well... uh... I mean about me. I don't know that I would have gotten through my breakup & all the death if you hadn't been there & we weren't planning this tour."

Nick held onto the top of my car door & sighed as he looked off. "Demi, I know it's going to be tough to move on after Wilmer... but you'll find someone who is even better suited for you one day."

"I know." I wanted to tell him that maybe he was the one, but then something sparked in my head. "Wait." I blurted out & he looked at me. "Are you worried I'm not over Wilmer? Is that part of why you don't want to act on our feelings?"

Nick scrunched up his face as his head shook back & forth. "No. I told you why." He let go of the door & looked away, like he was afraid of looking into my eyes. "Those feelings were probably because I've been feeling lonely. I don't feel anything, now, when I'm with you."

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