You Think You Know How to Get Under My Skin

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I left Demi to head back to New York, with a smile on my face. Actually, a huge smile on my face. I got some weird looks as I traveled from paradise to JFK, but I didn't care. I was the happiest I had been in a long time. Demi & I were finally a couple & I was literally on Cloud 9. I wasn't even thinking about if her & I would break up. I dreamed that we were together forever, as I sat on each plane or as I sat in each car, on my way to the big city to meet my brother.

The moment I landed in New York, I sent Demi a text, 'Just landed. Miss you so much. I need to see you soon.'

Minutes later, I got a response, 'Miss you more. You will see me soon. I promise.'

I smiled, reading her response & kept smiling as I replied, 'How soon?'

'Not sure. But sooner than you think.'

'That just made me so happy. I'm going to sleep for a few hours now. I love you.'

'I love you, too. Sweet dreams.'

As soon as I got to my hotel room, I plugged my phone into the charger, then went to sleep for a few hours. Joe, banging on my door, a few hours later, woke me up. I didn't look happy when I opened the door to let him in.

"Dude. When did you get back? I told you I wanted details of how things went with Demi, as soon as you got back." Joe said as he pushed past me.

I pushed the door closed & sighed. "I was a little exhausted, when I got off the red eye. I couldn't sleep on the plane because I was so over the moon."

"Over the moon? So that means things went well?"

I sucked in my bottom lip & shrugged, sheepishly. Joe let out an excited yelp, then came to hug me. "Dude. Calm down." I said, when he squeezed me hard.

"I can't fucking believe it. I am so fucking happy for you guys. Where is she? I want to hug her, too." Joe looked around as he walked into my room further.

"She's not here. She's still in Bora Bora."

"Oh. Well, that sucks. I thought for sure she would come back with you."

I rolled my eyes at my brother as I walked to the bathroom to check my sugar. "She wasn't planning on leaving until tomorrow."

"Is she going back to L.A. then?"

"You know what? I didn't even ask her. I assume so. That is where she lives."

Joe came to stand in the doorway, watching me as I checked my sugar. He spoke after a few seconds of just watching me, "Do I have to beg you for details or are you going to just tell me what the fuck happened with Demi?"

I watched the numbers on my Accu-chek, then let out a breath when I saw my levels were normal. I chuckled at my brother, as I put my things away. "What do you want to know?"

 "What do you want to know?"

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