I'mma Tell You Anyway

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Nick's breathing was heavy, just as mine was. My heart was beating so fast & hard in my chest, I felt like I might pass out. As Nick kissed my neck & my chest, I shut my eyes, anticipating what it would be like to finally feel him inside of me. My body quivered thinking about him sliding his c.ock inside me, something I so desperately wanted & never knew how much, until this very moment.

I let out a soft moan as Nick's lips covered mine again. I nibbled on his lip, gently, then sucked on it, as my hands went to undo his pants. I needed him in the worst way & it was making me anxious. Suddenly, Nick grabbed my hands from his waistband & pulled them away. He got off of me, quickly, his breathing labored as he stood at the foot of the bed, staring down at me. I sat up on my elbows, my breathing just as labored as I stared at him in confusion.

"Sorry. I got a little carried away." He said in a breath as he wiped his brow, with his shirt. 

"It's okay

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"It's okay. Go ahead & carry it all the way... I'm fine with it."

He shook his head as he stared at me, his lips in a tight line. "I told you earlier... we can't cross that line yet. I'm sorry I let it get that far." He put his shirt on, which signaled we were not going to be naked together, any time soon.

I sighed, loudly as I sat up on the bed. I grabbed my shorts & slid them on, then stood up. I glared at Nick, angry that I was so hot & bothered & not going to be satisfied, sexually. "Yea, you should be. I remember what you said, but we've already crossed that line, Nick. Just because you don't penetrate me, doesn't mean the line hasn't been crossed." I turned to walk away from him, grabbing my phone off the table. I had to vent to someone or watch some stupid show to take my mind off of how horny I was.

I heard Nick chuckle. "Penetration is definitely a different line that we can't cross until we are exclusive. We can't go that far until we know, without a doubt, we are going to really be in a serious relationship."

I looked up at him as I sat on the couch. "You need to be in a serious relationship in order to have sex?" I laughed, sarcastically. "Because I know damn well you've had a few sexual encounters lately that weren't part of a serious relationship."

I saw him lick his lips & look away, so I knew he was annoyed that I called him out on this topic. "This is totally different, Demi & you know that."

"No, I don't know, actually. Why is it different? I'm a girl. You're a guy. We're dating. Sorta. Sex is a part of a relationship. It's part of getting to know a person. We already know practically everything about each other, so it makes sense that sex would be the next step in our relationship."

"No. It's different for us because we're best friends. We've been best friends for ten years & that's not something I am willing to throw away by having casual sex. Sex changes things. It fucks with the emotions. It escalates feelings. It confuses feelings. And once you fu.ck, there's no turning back from that."

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