Oh, Tell Me You Love Me

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I heard Nick say he wanted to ruin our friendship as much as I did, so I swallowed, then responded, "You do? You're not going to chicken out? Or make up an excuse? I mean you asked me if I'd be your girlfriend again, so I can't imagine what else you need to tell me, before we go further."

Nick opened his mouth, while he stared into my eyes, but nothing came out right away. He cleared his throat, suddenly, looking extremely nervous. In all the years I've known him, I can't remember very many times when I saw Nick sweat, let alone, on his forehead. I've seen him play shows in 100 degree heat, wearing a jacket & I never saw him sweat like this. I could feel my heart beating in my chest & it almost made my rib cage hurt. Finally, Nick cleared his throat then took a deep breath, so I knew something was coming.

"You've heard me say this before, but now when you hear me say it, I want you to know it means so much more than it used to." He said, his voice quiet & shaky. He licked his lips, then seemed to stare into my eyes with a little more intensity. "I love you, Demi." The words came out & hit my heart like an arrow of pure joy. The way he emphasized the word, love, made me smile because it was so adorable. It was as if he was trying to enunciate it differently, because he meant it differently, this time. He also had the sweetest expression on his face that I'd never forget.

I couldn't have stopped the tears that sprang to my eyes, if I wanted to, nor could I have stopped the giddy noise, that came out of my mouth. I threw my arms around Nick's neck & pressed my lips onto his, forcefully, then giggled as I pulled them away, a second later. "I love you, too." I tried to say the word, the same way Nick did, which made us both smile, enormously.

Nick's expression softened, as his smile shrunk a little, leaving a faint one on his lips. His hand came up to touch my face. "I wanted you to hear me say it & know that I love you before I showed you I love you." He murmured, then slowly, brought his lips to mine. The kiss deepened, quickly & my body melted into him. In between kisses, Nick stopped to ask, "I hope this doesn't kill the mood, but uh... do you want me to wear a condom?"

I froze, thinking about the question, briefly. Personally, I hated condoms & I was on birth control, which Nick knew. That was probably why he asked, but I found it odd, because he always talked about 'no glove no love,' since he started having sex. I loved Nick. I trusted Nick. I knew he didn't have anything, but I wondered if he thought I had something. I was always careful & I had the men use condoms, even though I hated them. Wilmer didn't use one after we'd been together for a while, since we were committed to each other. Bomba & I hadn't used them, after a month or so into our sexual relationship, once we were completely committed. "Uh... do you want to use one?" I asked, then bit my bottom lip.

Nick licked his lips, before he answered, "Would you think less of me, if I didn't?" He asked, coyly. I shook my head & he smiled. "I know you're on birth control, so I'm fine if we don't use one."

"Good. Then we won't." I shrugged my shoulders then grabbed him around the neck & pulled him toward me, so I could kiss him again. We kept kissing, as we undressed each other, eagerly. We both knew what was about to happen & our bodies were excited. We both wanted this, almost desperately, so it didn't take us long to be completely free from our clothes.

As I moved my body, to the center of the bed, Nick unhooked his Omnipod, then came to hover over me, his body mirroring mine. We stared at each other, our breathing getting heavier with each second, until finally Nick smashed his lips into mine again. He stayed parallel to me, kissing me so deeply, it took my breath away. His lips explored my body, as if they were getting reaquainted with it & I could feel every nerve react. My skin felt like it was on fire & my muscles seemed to lose control as Nick's mouth tasted every inch of my upper body. Finally, he leaned on one arm so his other arm was free to touch me everywhere his mouth hadn't been yet. I quivered as his fingers grazed along my hip bone, then slid down my leg, before they found their way between my thighs. His hand moved up toward my quivering pus.sy as his kiss got more lustful. I felt his fingers slip between the folds of my lips & they touched my cl.it gently, then they began rubbing with more pressure, forcing me to gasp into Nick's mouth.

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