Make Me Sweat

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Luke was more than ready to make our relationship public. I called him right after Nick invited me to the fight in New York, the following weekend & Luke invited me to an L.A. Rams game the next day. I happily accepted, feeling nervous that we'd be seen in public together, for the first time. Luke didn't want to wait until the fight to make our first public appearance, which was fine with me. I was ready to show him off. Okay, I was ready to rub my relationship, with him, in Nick's face.

Luke & I went to the game the next day, but we kept it low key, not holding hands & certainly not being affectionate with one another. We posed for some photos & our date was all over social media, but there was only speculation that we were a couple. We knew the confirmation would come a week later, when we went to the fight at Madison Square Garden. That was when Luke wanted to show the world that we were, in fact, a couple.

I went to Luke's house after the game so we could hang out & have dinner. He ordered take out, then we were having sex, just a few hours after we finished eating. Once our sexual encounter was over, Luke rolled off of me, wiped his off with a towel, then laid on his back & fell asleep. I laid down with my back to him, feeling like I wanted to cry myself to sleep. Luke didn't even kiss me goodnight, before he fell asleep. He didn't hold me in his arms until I was asleep. He was so unromantic, it was actually a huge turn off. He was hot & pretty amazing in bed, but I wasn't ever going to fall in love with this guy. I already knew that, without a doubt.

While I laid there, waiting to fall asleep, my mind wandered to Bomba, who was the opposite of Luke when it came to romance. He was always trying to be romantic, saying sweet things to me or touching me, lovingly. He was constantly telling me how beautiful I was or how funny I was. It was sweet & I could definitely fall in love with him, if I wasn't so hung up on Nick. My mind thought of Nick & how he touched me with his words, even when we were just friends. I remembered our night together before he left for Hawaii & how sweet he was. I felt my heart flutter when I remembered the way he made me feel, just by holding me in his muscular embrace as I dozed off. Those were the thoughts I had in my head as I drifted off to sleep, lying next to Luke.

I was sweating when I woke up the next morning & tossed the comforter off of me, so I could cool off

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I was sweating when I woke up the next morning & tossed the comforter off of me, so I could cool off. I glanced over my shoulder & saw Luke's side of the bed was empty. I heard the shower, when I really listened, so I knew where he was. I got out of the bed & got dressed, then went to Luke's kitchen to get something to drink, since I felt dehydrated, suddenly. Luke always kept his house on the warmer side, especially this time of year & then with his comforter on me, too, it was no wonder I felt so disgusting after sweating so hard.

A few minutes later, Luke came into the kitchen & smiled, then turned on his coffee machine. "I'm going to the gym after I have some coffee. You want me to make you a cup?" He asked, his eyebrows up. Something about the tone of his voice, made me feel like he didn't want me to stay for coffee.

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