I Wouldn't Turn Away

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"I am right. I mean I am older than you." I said to Nick after I took a few breaths to calm myself down. I giggled, because of the butterflies I felt in my stomach.

Nick grinned up at me, making my heart skip a beat again. "You think that whole month gave you so much more wisdom huh?"

I nodded, exaggerating my smile.

Nick laughed out loud then leaned his head back as he stared up at the ceiling of the plane. "I guess we could try to see what happens." He was muttering, almost to himself, so I had to really listen. "We'd have to keep sex out of the picture, for a long time, though."

Hearing he wouldn't want us to have sex, for a long time, didn't sit well with me, but there was no way I was speaking up about it. I wasn't risking, scaring him back into not wanting anything with me. At least now he was willing to give it a shot. I was nervous & excited for what could happen between us. When he lifted his head to look at me I was biting my lip nervously. My eyebrows shot up when he leaned on his knees. "I meant what I said. We can take it as slow as you want." I said in a quiet voice still afraid that he'd change his mind. 

"I wouldn't want to tell anyone. I mean no one, not even Marissa. I just want to... keep it between us, because if it doesn't work out I don't want anyone to feel awkward around us. Does that make sense?" He asked with a tilt of his head. 


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"Yep. Totally get it & I understand & I'm fine with that. We can just see what happens." I leaned on my arms, so I was closer to Nick's face, staring into his eyes, for a moment, while he stared into mine. I sighed, softly, after he didn't say anything for several seconds. "So now what? What do we do, to see if it's going to work out with us, if you don't want to throw sex into the mix?" I scowled, when something hit me. "We do everything already except kiss & have sex. We've held hands before. We touch. How will this even be different? How will we know..." Nick put his finger up to let me know he wanted me to be quiet. 

A tiny grin formed on Nick's lips. "I mean we don't act like a couple, now. We kinda came close when we did that photo shoot, but we were working so it felt like work. At least to me, it did."

"So how do we now suddenly act like a couple?"

Nick leaned forward a little more so our noses were almost touching. He tilted his head a little & kept his eyes open as his lips pressed against mine softly. I smiled as his lips met mine then smiled even bigger when he pulled them away, saying, "We'll need to do more of that." He took one of my hands in his, looking down at our intertwined fingers briefly, before he looked into my eyes, again. "And more of this." He caressed my hand with his finger & as we stared deep into each other's eyes I knew I would be falling in love with him, at some point. And it would be soon. I could feel it already happening & I wondered if he could feel it too. "Maybe you & I can find something to do, just the two of us, in the next few days. Like an actual date."

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