I Would Turn You Out

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Nick was a good actor, so I wasn't concerned while we were on a stage together, at the Premium Outlet appearance. He stood next to me & I didn't sense any tension. He avoided looking at me, but that wasn't unusual, lately. He stood close to me, so close that I could inhale his scent without even trying. He smelled so amazing, though, sometimes it would make my mind wander. I had been around plenty of guys in my life who smelled good, but there was something even more pleasing about Nick's aroma. It wasn't even his cologne or body wash or hair products. He had a natural scent that stirred things deep within my body. Lately, I'd get a whiff & suddenly I would want to do naughty things with him.

I knew Nick had had sex before, but I often wondered, recently, how good he was at it. I wondered what he had learned from his previous lovers, since a few of them, that I knew of, were older than him. I also couldn't help but wonder what I could teach him. I had learned some things from my experienced ex boyfriend, Wilmer & I knew there were some things Nick probably hadn't experienced yet. 

When Nick & I were finished speaking to the crowd, we were led to a room, where the two of us would meet a few contest winners, before heading to the venue. While Nick & I were waiting, in this room, alone, I suddenly could feel some tension between us. I tried to ignore it & got on my phone. I noticed a tag on Instagram, that was a photo from the appearance we just did, so I clicked on it. That's when I saw the photo of Nick looking at my ass, zoomed in so you could see his eyes were clearly fixated on that area of my body. I knew he loved asses, so it didn't surprise me, but what did surprise me was him being so blatant about it, in public, no less. I decided to screenshot it & use it as a weapon next time Nick brought up me not hiding my feelings for him. 

I was getting bored & could still feel something had changed between me & Nick in the last few hours. He wasn't even speaking to me & that was odd, since we'd been alone, in this room, for almost fifteen minutes, at this point.

I looked at Nick, closely & could see he was upset & I had to know why. "What's wrong with you? Why do you seem mad all the sudden? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, finally after he sighed, loudly, for the third time. 

"Why the hell is Bomba here?" He asked, sounding bitter as he leaned on his knees, looking straight ahead

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"Why the hell is Bomba here?" He asked, sounding bitter as he leaned on his knees, looking straight ahead.

My mouth fell open & a sound of disbelief came out, then I smiled, because he sounded jealous & I was loving it. "He's my friend & I invited him to the show tonight."

"Are you like dating or something?" He still kept his gaze looking forward.

"We're talking. Flirting." I answered, then added, "Am I not allowed to invite guys I'm interested in to visit me on tour?"

He shook his head & looked down, his lips together, in a tense line. "I didn't say that. I was just curious, so stop trying to turn that into something more controversial."


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