It's Good for Now but It's Never Permanent

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I thought I locked the door, but when someone came bursting into my dressing room, while I had my hand down Demi's pants, I realized I must not have actually locked the door. I jumped up very fast, making sure I covered my crotch, since fondling Demi had made me very sexually excited. I wasn't sure what the intruder saw, but when I saw the expression on his face, I knew it was enough to know something was going on between me & Demi. Damian, who worked as my assistant & manager, wasn't an idiot, but I also knew he could be trusted.

"Dame. Hey." My voice shook as I pulled my shirt down at little to cover the bulge in my jeans.

"Uh... hey...." Damian looked down at Demi, who was still sitting on the couch with her eyes closed. She looked so adorable I wanted to laugh. "Sorry to interrupt... I had a question about your set. Demi? Are you okay?"

Demi opened her eyes & laughed as she nodded her head. "Yea. I'm fine. We were just uh... we were um...."

"Making out?" Damian finished Demi's sentence in a question since I could tell he was confused as well as amused.

"Making out?" Demi started laughing like it was the funniest thing she heard, making me roll my eyes. She must have thought Damian was an idiot. I was on top of Demi when he walked in, with my hand down her pants, which I was sure he noticed. Not to mention her shirt had been up, over her bra & she kept her eyes closed, for a few minutes after Damian barged in. "No... oh my God. Why would you think we were..."

"Demi... he saw us, clearly." I smirked at Damian. "You can't say anything to anyone, Dame."

"I would never say anything, Boss. You two been doing this long?" Damian moved his pointer finger back & forth in front of us.

Demi stood up from the couch. "My team knows, but please don't talk to them about it. Someone could over hear you & one of us is concerned about it getting out. This got serious a month ago, but we've been dealing with these feelings since we were on tour together." Demi rolled her eyes as she threw a smirk in my direction, making me chuckle. 

Damian pointed at us, laughing, loudly. "I called it. I fucking called it. I told Alexis that I sensed something between you two. She didn't believe me." Damian clapped his hands together. "Dammit, I should have bet her money. I can't wait to rub it in her face that I was right. She was so adamant that there was nothing going on with you guys."

"You can't tell her, Dame." I put my hands up, pressing my palms together.

"We could just tell our teams & our friends since we were going to tell our families. They would keep it a secret." Demi said to me, sounding like her feelings were hurt.

"They shouldn't have to. I'm not even sure about telling our families, anymore. I can't ask my friends or my family to lie for me."

Demi looked like she was about to scream at me, but Damian spoke up. "Hey, it's not big deal. I can keep it a secret until you guys are ready to clue everyone in." Damian made an X on his chest. 

"Great. I appreciate it, Dame. What did you need?" I asked, relaxing a little. 

"Oh... uh... I was making sure you didn't want to have Demi sing 'Close' with you, since she is here. Of course, I didn't realize she was in here, but I think you should have her sing with you, since you haven't sang it on your own in... a while...."

"No, I will sing it alone. Anything else?" I replied, shaking my head, pressing my lips together. 


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