Our Eyes are Crossing Paths Across the Room

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It was hard to pretend I wasn't upset when I saw my friends backstage, but I managed somehow, to keep it together, until I was alone in a room. I walked with my head down through the halls backstage, then when my dressing room door shut, I let the angry yells come out. I hit a punching bag, several times. I took lots of deep breaths. I tossed a few pillows across the room. I was angry that I didn't ask Nick about Cherry, but I was also mad he didn't bring her up, when we decided to pursue some type of romantic relationship, just the other night.

I wasn't alone for very long, which was starting to get to me. I was ushered to the stage for my soundcheck, before too long & I tried not to show my anger toward Cherry. It wasn't her fault. She didn't know what was going on with me & Nick. I got through my soundcheck, then hurried backstage to confront Nick. 

I asked around & finally found out Nick was on the studio bus. I headed to the bus & when I got there, I knocked quietly, since he could be recording. A few minutes later, Garbo opened the bus door & smiled. "Hey, Demi. I was just on my way out to meet with Phil. Nick's inside. See ya later." He gave me a smile while he held the door open for me to go inside & then I closed the door behind me.

Nick was alone on the bus & I was relieved. I heard a song playing, then it stopped, abruptly. "That sounded good." I said, before he started playing something else. 

Nick turned around to smile at me

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Nick turned around to smile at me. "Hey." He punched a few buttons then said, over his shoulder, "We're alone so you should come give me a quick kiss before someone comes in." He turned all the way around in the chair & smirked as he stood up, then took a step in my direction. I pressed my lips together as Nick leaned toward me, his lips puckered. "What's wrong?" He asked with a scowl on his face, when I leaned back so he couldn't kiss me. 

I pushed him a little, then sat on the bench nearby. "I saw you kissing Cherry earlier & touching her ass & it surprised me, a little. I guess I assumed you'd stop seeing her, since we were... you know."

"Why would I stop seeing her? You & I have been doing this for less than 24 hours & we agreed we'd take it slow. We just want to see what happens, right? We're not in a committed relationship." He said, leaning on the wall as he looked down at me. I shrugged & nodded at the same time, looking away. "If I stop seeing her it will draw attention to me & someone might suspect something. Plus, if I'm seeing her, then no one will think I'm doing anything with you. You're talking to Luke & Bomba, so what's the difference?"

"There isn't one." I replied, looking down, shamefully.

" I replied, looking down, shamefully

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