I Don't Know Who I am Without You

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I had a lot on my mind these days, but my relationship with Nick was front & center, most days. I was in the process of moving into my own house & my documentary was being filmed soon, so those were the other things I thought about while I was deep in thought. On the plane to Las Vegas, I was so deep in thought, I was quiet which made Matthew start asking me a bunch of questions. He was clearly concerned & was worried that I was having the start of a manic episode. I had to roll my eyes at him then went back to looking out the window of the plane.

"I'm not about to have an episode, Matthew. I'm just a little sad today." I explained in a soft voice, leaning on my hand.

"Sad about what?"

I sighed, realizing that I said too much because Matthew didn't know I was dating Nick, therefore didn't know I was sad because I missed him. "I'm just going to miss some people." I shrugged, hoping that was enough for him.

"Who? Your family?"

I leaned my head back & let out another long breath. "Can you forget I said anything. Please?"

"Demi, if you need to talk, I'm here."

"Thank you, but it's personal." I heard Matthew gasp so I turned my head abruptly to stare at him. "What?"

"I know who you miss." He replied behind his hand, his eyes wide.

I made a face & let out a chuckle as I shook my head. "Who?"

"Wilmer. You're missing Wilmer."

I stared at Matthew, my mouth gaping in disbelief. "What? I don't miss Wilmer. We've been broken up for a year."

"I know that look. You're missing your love."

"It's not Wilmer."

Matthew gasped again, this time both of his hands covering his mouth. "O. M. G. Did you meet someone on the dating app?"

I continued looking out the window, trying not to smile as I shook my head. "Come on, Matthew. You'd be the first to know if I met someone."

"Maybe not. If it was someone in the biz you might be keeping it under wraps." I felt him nudge me, but I didn't look at him. He sighed, realizing I wasn't going to say anything. "Fine. I will leave you alone about it. I just love how happy you have been lately."

Matthew didn't bug me about my love life anymore during the flight, thankfully. He started chattering about his latest dating adventures & my love life was soon forgotten. I didn't mind, though because I didn't want to risk someone overhearing us if I had decided to tell him about Nick. 

Once we got to our hotel room in Las Vegas that morning, I laid down on the bed closest to the window & let out a loud groan as I stretched my body. "This bed is so comfy."

"You gonna take a nap?" Matthew asked as he opened his bag to pull out some clothes.

"I don't know. Maybe. We have time; don't we?"

"Yea, we don't have to be at Marshmello's show until like 9. Is Phil going to be there?"

"No, I think Ava had something going on this weekend but Dave O is going to meet up with us at some point."

"Awesome. Love Dave O. He's a riot. " Matthew smiled at me then I sat up & swung my legs over the side, placing my hands under my thighs.

I watched Matthew lay out his outfit for that night, then there was a knock on our door. Matthew & I looked at each other, both of us scowling in confusion. "Maybe that's Dave." I shrugged as I stood up then started walking to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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