I Never Really Know Just Where to Find You

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I couldn't believe I had actually said the words, "I'm in love with you" to Demi, but I did. I didn't stop there either. I told her I thought she was the one. I told her I wasn't terrified anymore & that I wanted to ruin the friendship. She wasn't saying anything in response, though, so I started to get nervous. I could tell she was in shock. In shock that I was here, but also in shock that I admitted I was in love with her.

She was standing, in front of me, looking beautiful, like she was ready for a date. I had watched her post several bathing suit selfies, over the last week & now I hoped I got to see her, in a bathing suit at least once, before I headed back home. I pictured my favorite selfie, in my head, at that moment, as I prayed I didn't leave here, as single as I came. I didn't need to close my eyes to envision that selfie, in my head. The freckles, the soft, sexy smile, were all I could see, standing in front of me, as I prayed she didn't tell me to leave. Unfortunately, the way she was watching me, made me think that it was a possibility. She looked surprised, but she also looked a little irritated, so I wasn't sure what to think.

"There aren't any obstacles keeping us from being together." I said, since she still hadn't spoke.

Her face contorted & she scowled at me. "No obstacles? Are you serious?" She asked, in a loud, angry voice. This wasn't going as I had planned & I could feel the disappointment in my chest. "I have a boyfriend! Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? I gave you so many chances & you kept toying with my emotions. And now you think you can just waltz in here & tell me you're in love with me & I'm supposed to swoon? Am I supposed to run into your arms & forget I have a boyfriend?" Demi yelled at me, then ended her sentence with an angry growl & threw her hands up in the air.

"I'm sorry." I said in a quiet voice. "I just wanted to tell you."

"Okay. You told me. Now what? What did you think would happen? Did you think I'd invite you to stay & we'd have this romantic rendezvous?"

"No. I didn't have any expectations, honestly. I just knew I needed to tell you. It was driving me crazy, that I've held it in, for so long, because I thought my brother didn't want us together. I was afraid I'd lose my brother, so I chose to ignore the feelings I had for you. I've been in love with you for so long & now I've told you. I guess I'll move on & let you be happy with Bomba."

"You're here playing these games, even still. Telling me you're in love with me & have been for a while, when you had a million chances to tell me before." Demi's voice was shaking & I couldn't tell if she was just really pissed or if she was about to cry.

"I couldn't tell you. It would have hurt you to hear it & it would have hurt for me to say it, since I didn't think we could be together. I honestly thought my brother didn't want us together & that was a misunderstanding. I couldn't risk losing my brother, even if I was head over heels in love with you. All I can say is that I am so sorry & if there's ever a chance for us to be together, one day, I hope you'll take it. I guess it's my turn to wait, for you." I looked to where Marissa was now sitting on a bar stool, watching me & Demi, carefully. She gave me a sympathetic smirk, then looked down. I knew she wasn't happy Demi was so angry with me, especially since she seemed so optimistic in the texts we had shared over the last few days. I sighed, looking back at Demi. "Anyway, I said my piece, so I will let you get back to your vacations. I'm sorry I crashed it & I'll be off the island, within the hour." I saw Demi roll her eyes & look away, so I turned around & grabbed my bag, before I headed toward the door I had come through earlier.

I was just about through the doorway, when Marissa called out my name. "Nick! Wait."  I looked over my shoulder at Marissa, then glanced at Demi who was glaring at Marissa. Marissa looked at Demi as she stood up. "Demi, you can't let him leave. You know you don't want him to leave. You're just being stubborn right now, because of all that he put you through, over the last nine months." Marissa walked toward Demi, who had her arms crossed, as she pursed her lips, in annoyance. "Demi, you were going to break up with Bomba, when you got back from vacation. You still have feelings for Nick. I know you do, so don't try to deny it. And do not push him away."

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