Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I wake up to the sound of Luke and Calums voice blasting on my phone. It's finally the weekend, and I felt that I needed to sleep in. I should have put my phone on silent, but no, Yenessa, instead of putting you damn phone on silent, and hooking it up on your dock, you use your portable charger and sit your phone on your bedside table, and not on silent.

I rub my eyes with the back of my hand while reaching my hand over my pillow, searching for that damn phone on my bedside table. I feel my phone and grab it, I slide the green button right after seeing the time as 11:38am. Damn, it's still like 3am to me.

I press the phone to my hear and mumble a hello. My voice is not pretty at all in the morning. Just noting that, neither is my hair.

"Yenessa! Hi, it's Luke." He says, speaking so loud that it made me flinch. Dude, I just woke up. Seriously now your yelling through the damn phone.

"No shit, speak up, I want go back to sleep. Today is not the day to mess with me Luke." I say, yawning. Yes, I have my period, and these damn cramps in my stomach are fucking killing me, my mum got them bad when she was younger and it passed on. At first I didn't get any cramps, nothing. But then when I turned sixteen and got my period, these damn cramps came. I hate being a girl sometimes, I swear.

"Fine. Are you on your period or something? Cause your so touchy today." Luke says, I can picture him smiling after saying that and me hitting him in the stomach for being an prick.

"Yes, now talk."

"Well, I got a phone call about thirty minutes ago from Reid Marcus telling me that 5 Seconds Of Summer is in the finals, we're versing Fish Under Water! It's on Tuesday, will you come please! I'll love you, forever and ever!" Luke says, I think over of that last part in my head. Touchy subject Luke, touchy subject. I don't know why the hell he needed to beg for me to go when he knows I'll go no matter what? Of course I'm going to go, because 5SOS will win, hopefully! And I want to be there to help celebrate there win! I'm their number one fan remember? I wouldn't be a very good number one fan if I didn't go.

"Are you fucking serious, Luke? I'm so not going to go, even though I'm your bands number one fan according to you and Michael, I think I might just stay at room on Tuesday while watching re-runs of 'My best friend is a fucking idiot!'. Of course I'm going to go Luke! And I'm so happy for you, I hope you guys win! You guys deserve it a lot! I'm so glad you got in!" I say, sitting up. I lean my back against the head board of my bed.

"Thanks, I knew you would go, I just wanted to check. And also, I'll be at your's in a few." Luke says.

"Okay." I say.

"Bye." Luke says, his voice as quiet as a whisper, his voice sounded so soft and sweet when he said that for some reason. Unlike what Shane did, Luke gave me time to say goodbye back to him, then hung up.

I'm currently taking a bath, one good thing to do, for me that is, when Aunty Flow has came over to visit, is taking a nice, relaxing bath. With vanilla cupcake scented candles, One Direction/ 5 Seconds Of Summer's music playing, with strawberry body wash by my side, and a face mask. Also, a ton of bubbles. I love my bubbles as much as Spongebob Squarepants does, bubbles are amazing! I blow bubbles all the time, and I squeal like a little girl while watching them float. I'm childish like that, but I think Luke has helped bring out my inner child a lot more since I've met him, I like acting childish, instead of being serious. I don't want to grow up, I want to live in Neverland and live forever young, but unfortunately life isn't a Disney film, life is like the witches in The Little Mermaid, it's a bitch.

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