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Back in her room, Camille paces back and forth on her balcony. Thanks to the terrifying display of power, she's unable to settle down. Although Azzel insisted on giving her a tour of the rest of the sanctuary, Camille needs time alone. Alone where she can think and make sense of her situation. After seeing what the god in this world can do, she needs to figure out the best way to have a conversation with someone so fearless. Camille steps out onto the balcony to let the sunset calm her anxiety. She takes a deep breath in, but soon her heart drops at the sudden touch of a hand on her shoulder, making her jump back. Her eyes widen with surprise to see a beautiful angel standing next to her.

"It is only me," Kaiden soothes with a patient tone that immediately charms her soul. She's definitely not used to having someone as dazzling as Kaiden so close. The light of his golden eyes hypnotizes her with a familiarity that she can't put into words. It's like she knows him; she knows him enough to feel comfortable around to smile.

"My god, Kaiden. I get that in this world, everyone can appear out of nowhere, but seriously..." Camille stutters awkwardly, realizing the irony in the words as they slip her mouth. A common expression humans use might have a different meaning in this world.

"Everyone?" He wonders. Her heart to skip a beat as his eyes narrowed, trying to sense who has she met with. Camille has zero to no experience with men, except for Adam, and feeling comfortable around someone as attractive as Kaiden is something new to her, but to think that she might be betraying her boyfriend in any way keeps her on her toes. Camille takes a cautious step back and smiles nervously again. "My apologies," Kaiden reflexes on the pained expression that hides behind her smile.

"I just can't get used to this place and the... people. I mean, first Azzel, then Silvanus, and now you," although she keeps a smile on, Kaiden can stir up her deepest emotions. The mysterious man looks into her violet eyes to find the answers to her loneliness and pain.

"I can imagine, perhaps your human life was better?" Camille's eyes widen at his sudden questions; Kaiden's eyes narrowed again, trying to understand why she struggles to hide her fears. Camille bursts out laughing for the first time in so long, an action that Kaiden perceives as what it actually is; a loud cry for help. All he can hear is the sound of wanting to liberate her soul from the darkness chasing her. Kaiden doesn't need too much information to know that, strangely, Camille is an innocent soul mistreated by an evil desire for revenge. A force he recognizes, but unfortunately, he's not strong enough to free her. Kaiden closes his eyes to compose himself. Deep down, he hopes that his master sees the same the second he gets a glimpse of her.

"My life has never been better than this," she breathes out, turning to enjoy the setting sun on the horizon. The shadows of the mountains expand as the sunlight slowly falls behind the infinite ocean. The grass dance to the evening breeze and the fireflies start to illuminate the darkness left behind. The light in her unique eyes shows nothing but a heart full of compassion and generosity. Someone rare to find in any world, even in the Gods' World. But, to think that she will end up crying even more than she has already, Kaiden exhales with a hint of concern. Like a guardian angel, Kaiden stands in an elegant posture, ready to keep her safe. Camille glances at him with the corner of her eye as the curiosity in her mind wins again. Kaiden exhales, noticing the questions. "Are you an angel?" She whispers the question to what Kaiden smiles but hesitates for a moment. He looks up to the sunset that matches his eyes.

"Perhaps it is a way to describe my existence, yes," he agrees, not even sure how to explain his nature and the importance of it in the universe. Kaiden watches her eyes opening up with admiration. Eyes that even for a holy spirit like him are worthy of someone so regal like her.

"So, is this heaven? If it's a way to describe this place..." she uses his words to find an explanation for a world so perfect it can only be heaven. Seeing her beautiful eyes to the point of breaking is something he won't stand for, even if he has to stand against the gods himself, Kaiden is willing to help as much as he can so Camille can make it, and maybe his master can finally break free from his own curse. "I've been wondering, maybe I died somewhere. Maybe, I drowned in the lake and-" Camille lets out the plot that's been floating in her mind. It seems more logical to have died and had her soul experience everything in this world; otherwise, nothing makes sense for her. "Maybe this is actually my soul trapped in heaven or in a dimension close enough to it." The thought seems more real now, and it doesn't feel bad at all. If she's dead, then she'll know for sure she can't go back.

A silverfish swims before her eyes, captivating her with its magical sparkle. Camille smiles as her eyes follow the trail it leaves behind, watching its long fins slowly dancing in the air as it moves towards the waterfall. "You are alive here, at this very moment." Kaiden guarantees with a tender tone. Camille wraps her mind around that piece of information, accepting the slight relief she feels to know that her mother hasn't found her corpse. The last thing she wants, it's to add more stress to her poor mother. Releasing a heavy sigh, Camille reaches out for a tiny firefly hovering over a yellow rose. "Heaven does exist. Heaven is almost like this world, except there are no gods. There is no recognizance nor emotions felt for anything you see. It is a perfect world where there is no need to feel anything, nothing at all." Kaiden explains in a gentle tone. "Then, there is hell..." his tone changes completely. "Hell is like you imagine it..." he reaffirms the images he has seen in Camille's mind.

"There is a live lake of magma where you feel everything to extreme proportions. A world where your soul never stops crying, regretting, and suffering in agony until your body burns to nonexistence," Camille can't help but imagine the terrifying world. "But the same flames regenerate your body once again, and once again, the torture starts from the very beginning. That is eternal punishment." Camille's heart shudders with Kaiden's explanation. Speechless she stands in front of him.

"That is a place you will never know, my lady. I am certain of that." Camille fights the shocking surprise of seeing Kaiden dazzling smile.

"Maybe not to that extent," Camille remembers how much she cried and suffered in the hands of a monster possessed by the darkness. The thought of Steve also brings the memories of someone for whom she could endure and fight every day. Her heart grows lonely to think that her brother is alone and probably confused by the events of that night. Camille exhales heavily.

"How was your life back there?" Kaiden asks to understand why she doesn't wish anything wrong for someone that hurt her so much. Camille is caught off guard with the sudden question. She never thought she would have to talk about her life. She takes a moment to gather the good parts of a painful experience.

"I have a mother. A gentle and caring mother..." she stops for a moment to remember the very few times her mother Camelia smiled. She looked beautiful with her big honey eyes and bouncy waves. Although most of the time, she would look sad and full of regret. Especially that night. The fact that she failed to fulfill Camelia's request tortures Camille with guilt. "And a cool little brother," she continues, trying not to fall into depression. "Even though he has health problems, Jordan is always full of life and trying his best at soccer," Camille's eyes brighten a little to remember Jordan's grin every time Adam would let him score a goal. Those memories are now her most significant treasure. "I miss them," she says, avoid to talk about Adam. If she does, she knows for sure she will break down. "Do you think I'll see them again?" She asks.

The wind makes her hair dance to its soft rhythm. Beautiful and magical, the roses release their enchanting aroma as the breeze touches them. Kaiden hesitates for a moment. He's not supposed to give any information. Every living creature in the sanctuary has been warned to stay silent until he decides to acknowledge Camille's presence. "My apologies, my lady. Only his majesty can answer that question." Kaiden laments with a gentle tone, Camille smiles.

"I guess I'll find out sooner or later," she says, turning back to her room. Kaiden smiles gently, making her feel calm and welcome.

"I am on your side, lady Camille. Do not be afraid. Never be afraid," his tone doesn't fail to give her the complicity she needs to feel at peace. "If at any moment you perceive that this is not something you are ready for, I will take your side and find a way to help you." Kaiden offers. His eyes blind her with a comforting light, she can feel the loyalty in his words, and that gives her relief to have someone to count on in a place she doesn't know. "As for his majesty, you do not need to worry. Believe it or not, in this world, there is such a thing as a broken soul. Even a god can fall down to his darkest point..." A glimpse of guiltiness takes over his golden eyes as he looks up to the navy-blue sky. Camille takes in the valuable information and decides not to ask more.

"Thank you," she smiles and feels grateful for Kaiden's generosity.

"Get some rest. You might need it when his majesty requests to see you," Kaiden suggests with politeness. Camille smiles as Kaiden bows in reverence to take his leave. Watching him levitate into the air, she holds in the shock to have a conversation with a real angel.

"The Water God, huh," Camille stands by the window, noticing how, from the old tower, the Blazers make their way to the sky, giving her heart a sensation of gladness to witness such magic. She takes a deep while another day comes to an end. 

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