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The night falls upon Primavera Town. A place so beautiful and full of light, where every season there's something to enjoy. Where Spring is full of pink, with Cherry Blossoms and the sweet smell of their full bloom. Where people don't get tired of taking pictures of every bundle that tangles up the branches together. Where Summer is hot but full of sun and fresh grass, where Blue Water Lake is the main attraction, for animals and people. Where Autumn is the most colorful season of all. The vivid colors of fall take over the park, where trees have the most beautiful mixture of green, light brown, dark brown, red wine, bright orange and yellow. Where the smell of wet grass, the muddy ground takes over after so much rain. Where the Holidays take over, starting from Halloween all the way to New Years. Where it doesn't matter if the cold Winter half of the place is cover in snow, the Christmas decorations and the festivities make everyone lighter, except for one person.

Camille sits on a lonely bench in the middle of the park, lumping herself in the heartbreaking pain it causes her to hurt someone who loved her so much, and at one point she did love him the same way. Now his broken smile consumes her and she can't fight it. She doesn't want to fight it, tears appear in her eyes again. As happy couples hold hands as they walk around. The energetic laughter of children as the skate in the public ice-skating rink.

Her eyes are tired and dry, but tears still come out. Her body is sore but still holds herself. Her head rumbles in agony but still tortures her with the image of Adam's shattered face. Something she'll never forget, she doesn't want to. In the end, even if it hurts she knows it's for the best, at least for him.

Feeling how the emptiness spreads inside her chest, something hollow expands over her soul, questioning herself where was the love she felt for Adam? Where are those memories she forgot about? Another tear makes its way out as someone walks towards her. Paralyzed in time, looking into nowhere, arms crossed over his chest, his crystal blue eyes gaze down at her with pity.

"You are crying again." the man takes a seat beside her.

Camille lets the voice sink in, a voice that makes her forget about the pain immediately but still forces herself to be tortured with the grief. Camille keeps her focus on the children playing in the rink.

The man sighs with a hint of distress, his mystic eyes search for hers but Camille avoids him. She has been absent in her world, trying to forget the painful image of the guy who used to be the only one she had eyes for, but something in her got lost and now, all it's left is nothing but deep emptiness.

"Thanks, for saving me last time," she wipes a tear from her eye.

Gazing down at her Axl regrets ever letting his guard down and let someone else force him to send her back to end like this. Although it's necessary for Camille to break free from her ties to this world, Axl can't stand to see her so miserable. He has to struggle with his urge to forget that she has to go through this, and just take her back. Take her to where she can be free and once again smile.

"It is an enigma to see you get hurt to the point of almost losing your life, and you still will not call for help," he adds with evident indignation, which finally picks on her attention. Camille glances up with swollen and emotionless eyes, a faint wrinkle forming in the middle of her forehead shows her discomfort.

"If dying will take this bitterness, this anger. I wouldn't mind." Camille says the pain in her voice, stings him deeply.

Sending her back has been his mistake. Now Camille has been broken and yanked around by the madness of his mother. The Great Goddess senseless need for has taken the best of him, pushing him to play her games. Axl exhales realizing that it's only fair to make it up to Camille.

"Letting go of the one you love it is a hard thing to do but it is necessary sometimes," he consoles her with a soothing tone that eases up her guiltiness. Camille glances at the stunning man with the corner of her eye. Axl pretends not to notice.

Camille smiles sadly which only makes him angry and desperate at the same time. How's he going to make up to her? Can she ever restore her sense of forgiveness, to stand up again with that purity that enchants his world?

"You are not the only one suffering, but you are the only one I can save," his voice low, but the anger and regret become more visible. Axl can see the questions in her distant glare.

"Me?" she wonders if its worth to save her.

"You remind me of someone I wanted to save," he says not giving her any hint. Camille waits for more. Axl looks up at the starry sky.

"I let her go without telling her..." his heart jolts in shock by the violet eyes looking directly at him, with her unique light that hypnotizes anyone. He takes a deep breath.

" Every night I wait patiently on her balcony but the loneliness drags on." His mesmerizing eyes filling up with a sad bluish glow that lifts up her soul, without any gravity holding her down Camille lets her pain be swayed away.

"My world cries in silence, it seems like she will not return..." Axl admits, followed by a heavy sigh.

"Her purity and innocence opened a new way for me to see my destiny," he stops for a moment, finally turning to look at her straight in the eyes.

"Little by little, she turned into my delirium, the innocence in her eyes when curiosity took over. Her smile was my joy, her security has become my obsession," his silent struggle to keep his composure besides her becomes evident to Camille. If only she could understand what this man is telling her, why does he look so sad and full of remorse?

Axl stops to regain his control while Camille is caught up in the honest emotion of his frustration. In his intense eyes, she can see a deeper regret, something that seems to be tearing him apart. With the recent experience of a heartbreak Camille can perceive in his words, his frustration, and his abandonment, the same frustrating feeling that forced her to make the decision to break Adam's heart.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to make you cry." Axl apologizes with pure sincerity while tears make it out of her eyes again.

Camille wipes her face and smiles, lifting her eyes to the new moon. Reaching a hand out to touch her skin. Feeling the soft texture, her violet eyes that hypnotize him to a different level. Remembering the first time she captured him; since the very beginning, Camille possessed his heart and mind without knowing it.

Just like the first time in her room. Axl unties her bun to let her hair tenderly fall over her shoulders and back. Camille gasps at the sudden move, eyes wide with surprise at the unexpected display.

"It is easier like this," he explains, sensing his pain and sorrow through his touch, Camille's soul shivers as something recognizable twists in her core.

"Will you find her?" Camille asks reaching her hand to caress his warm cheek. His eyes widen with surprise, unable to answer her.

Axl closes his eyes to enjoy the delicate touch of her fingertips. Immediately knowing that he doesn't need to wait for her to call his name, that she has already broken free from her human bonds. Determinded to fight anyone opposing his decision to bring her back, even his own mother, the Great Goddess of Evil and Death. The answer is already on his eyes. Realizing it himself, Axl nods.

"Certainly." He answers firmly. Camille retreats her hand but doesn't leave his eyes.

"I hope so too. It wouldn't be fair to see a love so deep like yours wasted," she says wondering about love, about her, about Adam.

Her heart squeezes at the fresh memory of their painful breakup. Tears build in her eyes as sharp thorns stop her from saying more. Hoping that Adam can forget and forgive her for hurting him, for breaking his heart.

"He will be fine..." Axl soothes her tormenting thoughts.

"That guy is a capable guy," he murmurs to himself. Camille appreciates the effort and rewards him with a smile.

"Thank you," she says with gratitude. As they both lift their eyes to the moon, while Luna looks upon them, impatiently waiting for them to go back.

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