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        Did you ever sit alone in your room, hands pressed against your head, and wondered what happened to you? How did you become who you are? When did it all start? Well, I have the answer you had been looking for all this time: High School.

        It all started with high school, when you felt jealous of the gorgeous girl, when you wanted to be popular and loved, when you wanted to be the best in class, when you first saw the hot boy, when he first smiled at you. It all begun when you looked at yourself in the mirror and put red lipstick instead of chapstick, when you painted your nails red instead of pink, when you wore heels instead of sneakers, when you smirked instead of smiling. High school made you who you are, and you knew that if you made it through high school you’d make it anywhere.

        But what about the girl you were jealous of, the girl you wanted to be, the boy you loved, the boy who broke your heart, the boy you never got?

        This is a story about those notorious boys and those vixen girls who are on the top of the food chain, who rule high school, who taste power when everyone else is powerless. This story is about the teenagers with ‘the perfect life’. And if you just look behind those crystal smiles, those flawless dresses, those wild eyes, you’ll soon realize : Hell Is A Teenage Girl.

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