•Lies And Camouflage•

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-" Is there anything else I can get you?" the waitress asked, kindly

-" No, we're good, thank you." Lydia answered. " So, In eukaryotes, there are two distinct type of cell division: a vegetative division, whereby each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell, and a reductive cell division, whereby the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells is reduced by half, to produce haploid gametes" she finished

-" Cells are classified into two main categories: simple, non-nucleated prokaryotic cells, and complex, nucleated eukaryotic cells. By dint of their structural differences, eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells do not divide in the same way. Also, the pattern of cell division that transforms eukaryotic stem cells into gametes: - sperm cells in males or ova - egg cells - in females- is different from that of the somatic cell division in the cells of the body." Ace stated.

-" We will grow to be brilliant scientists, you know that Geek?" Lydia joked, happy and proud of the work they've done

-" I'll be the scientist, you are only gonna be my assistant" he joked

-" You'll be a mad scientist then" she giggled, shutting her books. " I feel like I've been here since the break of dawn" she yawned

-" I know what you're feeling, I could sleep for eternity. I'm exhausted"

-" But my, this iced tea is like the best thing I've ever tasted" she said, sipping the drink like a 5 year old kid

-" Hey, you told me that the creepy clown kin-"

-" We're still milking that? Can't I enjoy this iced tea from heaven?" Lydia interrupted, grumpy

-" No, just listen. You said he ran away after Tyler came, right?"

-" Yes, you should've seen his face, he was literally freaking out. I saw the fright haunting him under all that color-y crazy make-up on his face"

-" Isn't that odd?"

-" Not at all. The freak was obviously a sexist. He thought that just because he's a man, he can freak us out, maybe hurt us. But when he saw Tyler, he had no choice but to run"

-" I don't think so" Ace looked down at his cup, and made circles with his straw

-" What are you insinuating?" Lydia asked, suddenly interested

-" You said he freak out, not only ran away, which means, he feared Tyler. If you wanna know who the bastard is, maybe you should pay attention to the people around Tyler, or better yet, go ask him directly. I mean who knows, the guy is a Hernandez, he's the son of a founder family, one of the wealthiest people of Shadehaven, and a quarter back. If anyone wants to hurt him, they'll start with the girl he likes. Your friend. Wealth is a choice, enemies are a certainty"

-" You got a point.." she said, thoughtful. Could it really be that someone wants to destroy Tyler by hurting Sky? That is a thought Lydia's mind kept pushing away and refusing. Sky had seen a lot of pain, she endured a endless days of suffering. She had gone through enough. Lydia could still hear her cry over her father's death or could still see her breakdown when she saw Dean's car completely crashed and burned. She had been gone through hell but somehow, she survived. Look at her now, Lydia thought to herself. All smart and confident. Only few knew what those eyes hide.

-" Lydia! I'm talking to you!" Ace yelled, poking her arm

-" Sorry, I was, I got, I just.."

-" Hey, look at me. Don't over think this. Your friend will be fine. I mean, did you see Tyler Hernandez? Whatever happens, I'm sure he can protect her, the guy is like real life Drogo!"

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